Robots find words, and only people can find relevance.
~ Alli Worthington
Hi there. I’m sure if you were listening to the buzz yesterday on Twitter, you heard about the new site: “Blissreads”. Blissreads is a project that was put together by Alli Worthington, creator of the Blissdom blog conference that I attended last year in Nashville (and her amazing team of geekish friends).
Blissreads is a site where PEOPLE (not robots or internet ‘spiders’) share the best of the best on the web – the blog posts they read that make them smile, cry, laugh-out-loud, or exclaim “EUREKA!”
It’s like a content blog carnival that goes on every day, all day… a place where you can be sure to find the most interesting things to see and read.
I’m one of those people. I’d love to replace a robot in your life and be your human content filter. I wanna sift through the digital muck for you – and hand you the shiny sea glass of blog posts on the net.
What are you interested in reading about online?
Do you love to HOMESCHOOL? Check out the site.
Are you a BREASTFEEDING advocate or the mama of a little love bug under 2? There’s !
Looking for a recipe? Look no farther than to tempt your tastebuds!
There are a bunch of topics you can pick from over there. Just check out the sidebar and see how many fun things you can look through each day! I am “curating” for Alli in these channels if you want to stop by and see the things that I find super-cool on the net:
Blissreads Food
Blissreads Kids
Blissreads Baby
Blissreads Photography
Blissreads Deals
Each post on these sites takes a tiny snip of information and an image off of the original blog post as a teaser – and then sends you on your merry way to the source so that you can read the full article. Blissreads directs you to the author’s blog so that you can read the full story and give proper credit (and comment) there.
It’s kind of like a blog-post hall of fame.
{And it’s a great way to drive traffic to your site if you have awesome content.}
I would love for you to check out this video about Blissreads – put together by Amy of Taste Like Crazy. Sorry about how it cuts off on the page – you can click over to Amy’s site to see the entire view or you can also see it at the Blissreads main page!
And be sure if you find a GREAT post about Food, Kids, Babies, Photography or Frugality that you EMAIL me the link so I can see if it would be a fit for Blissreads! I know my readers have good taste! I trust that you are finding great things on the net – and would love to know what you think is wonderful.
How exciting! I'm so glad to see that someone is covering the homeschool topic over there. And I can't think of a better person to do it. Well, unless it was you with a maid. 😉