I’ve been wanting to tell you this little secret for a while now. At first it was suspected, and then it was confirmed by two little chemical strips,… but doctor was on vacation and I’m one of those “I HAVE TO SEE IT TO BELIEVE IT” people.
Fancy that, a Christian who has to see it to believe it. Stranger things have happened – I’m the Thomas type.
So I waited patiently, marking the signs…
.tummy yuck
.strange cravings for foods I don’t really like
.the new super power appearing: I can resist dark chocolate!
.urgent desire to wean
.tired, oh, so tired
.gagging on the toothbrush and at smells that normally don’t bother me
.discomfort in the waist area when I have tight jeans on
.lightheaded confusion (that might be just my normal, but I thought I’d throw that in to try and get some sympathy)
SO. My “quite content with three” has turned in to “eagerly awaiting #4”. Strangely enough, a woman at my church told me a month before I knew I was pregnant that I was going to have another little girl. I laughed it off. But now I’m scratching my head. How could she have known I was pregnant before I did?
Pregnant and 37. With a baby due on my eldest’s birthday: February 11th. It’s all so much to absorb. But we have had time to get used to the idea… despite not quite having labor pain amnesia yet. Doc says her oldest patient right now is 42. Not sure that makes me feel any younger.
Sometimes God has other plans for us. But they are often wonderful ones… even if they do include some ‘pain in the offering’. We worship and praise.
And wait.
Custom Artwork by: Ellia Hill of Greenbean Art (do not reproduce without her express permission) Isn’t it lovely? She made the top one just for me!
Oh Heather! I am so happy for you! ((hugs)) I know it must be a lot to take in. My mama was 35 when she got pregnant with the Boybarians (identical twin boys), if that makes you feel any better. 🙂
Woo HOO! Congrats..I thought I was pregant last year at this time and I would have been much older than you. 😉 But alas, I wasn't and now would probably have a heart attack. So excited for you…what a blessing.
EEEEeeee!!! So very, very exciting!! Congrats, congrats!
Yayyyyyy!!! I'm so excited for you!! This is great news! I pray you will feel better!!
OH HOW WONDERFUL! Congratulations!!
Congratulations, Heather… I am so incredibly excited for you!
Congrats. 37 is practically a youngster. LOL I had my last one at 44 1/2.
No stinkin' way!! Heather! I am so happy for you!
So happy for you!
(Love the little scrapbook-y graphics, too!)
I had no idea!!! Wow. Wow. Wow. 🙂
I have a friend who had a similar situation. She had two kids about the same ages as your older two. Then, she had another little one, and while that one was not yet one year old, she got pregnant with another. (Big Surprise/Shock!) The babies are now 1 and 2 years old, and big brother and sister are 10 and 12. She says it's good, though, b/c the younger ones have each other to play with. I'm sure you'll hear that a lot, too! 🙂
Wow. I just can't believe it! #4!!! Congratulations, girl!!!
You'll need a new header now. Gotta add another bee. :o)
Super congrats. How exciting!!
Many congratulations, Heather! I had our 9th at 37… The Lord will give you all the grace you need. Maybe not ahead of time, but right when you need it. A wise mom of many told me that when I was pregnant with #3. 🙂
That's wonderful! 37 isn't old for a mama! I hope not, anyway. I'm only 7 years away from there, myself, and I want more babies! So happy to hear your good news!
Awwww… Congratulations! This baby will be welcomed into such a fun-loving family! 🙂
FINALLY! I have been waiting for weeks to talk about it! I can't wait for u/s pictures. 🙂 And belly pics. You were such a beautiful pregnant lady last time.
When I saw you had an announcement on Twitter earlier, I was going to ask if you were pregnant. BUT, some women get a little irked if you suggest it, so I decided to just be patient and wait lol
Congratulations!! =)
Congrats Heather! What exciting news! Hey, I'm 37 and expecting my 6th. 🙂 I don't consider myself old–lol!
Congratulations!!! 37 isn't old! I have many
friends who have birth children born after 35 and a couple who had children after 45! We adopted when I was 44 and my birth children were 15! We just adopted again (he's 6 1/2 and we are 51) Please don't tell me I'm old, I don't feel a day over 106:-)
Again, congratulations and many blessings,
I'm SO excited for your family! Congratulations!!!
Congratulations!!! I think Mr Viking will be happy to have a compadre closer to his age to hang out with! 😀
Congratulations!! I was 37 (almost 38) when I had my last – she's 20 months now. Two little ones is definitely more fun!
Congratulations!! Four is even merrier than three. 🙂
Many, many congratulations and prayers for a wonderful pregnancy. And, I'm right there with you ~ I'll be 37 when I have my 6th this winter. =)
had baby # 4 at 38. i've got you beat. congratulations!!
Yay Heather!!!
Babies are marvelous–I hope your pregnancy is effortless and amazing.
(and yes, you'll need to add another little bee:)
Congratulations Heather!!! 37 is not too old. My great grandmother had two kids for 12 years before she started having more in her mid to late 30's (she had 5 more! My grandma was one of those 5). My dad was nearly 41 when my sister was born (her mother was 37) and he has always said that having a young kid keeps the parents young and "in the loop" longer.
I. AM. SO. EXCITED! I really cannot say how happy, thrilled, estatic, overjoyed and every other adjective that expresses how so very glad I am for y'all!!
LOVE you Spritti!
♥ Manda ♥
Congrats, Heather! Now you're gonna have to add another bee to your banner. 🙂 I love you, dear friend.
Joy!! Congratulations!! I, too, am expecting 4th. God is so good!
That is awesome!!!!! :o) My mom had my sister at 40 and then me at 42, if that makes you feel any better. ;o)
Oh honey, congratulations!! I'm so happy for you!! And jealous (*pout*). But what a beautiful blessing, God has smiled on your family 😀
Oh congrats! I was 37 when I had Princess Snifflefritz(and still am).
Congrat's to you mama BEE! 🙂
Congratulations! 🙂
You'll do just wonderfully, I know. I wouldn't trade my last two that I had at 37 and 39 for anything. They keep us young. 😉
Oh, gosh. I'd almost forgotten the gagging on the toothbrush thing. 😛
Congratulations! I'm so very, very happy for you. 🙂
Congratulations!! That is wonderful news!!
Yay! How awesome is that?! Heather, you are sooo young and will have a fabulous pregnancy…esp. after the yuckies stop. 🙂 Looking forward to reading about the future escapades of Baby K and his lil' sis or bro…and everyone else keeping up! Praying for you!
Eeeeeeeee! Congratulations, Heather!!! Woohooooooooo! K is going to be a BIG BROTHER!!!
Hey, I was lamenting the woe-is-me-i'm-35-and-my-eggs-are-getting-old when my good friend told me she was prego with her 10th child! And she's 47!!!
It was like God telling me not to worry about something so silly as time. The One who created everything has it all under control.
Heather , I was 40 five days before number 12 was born. Your young yet! Even if it doesn't always feel that way!
Congratulations Heather! That is wonderful news! Wishing you a blissful, easy pregnancy, labor and delivery. 🙂
Congrats!! I somehow missed this, and got suspicious when you tweeted about not being able to ride roller coasters!
I hope you're not too sick, and I pray your pregnancy is nice and smooth and normal!
Wow! Congratulations!! Sometimes I wish for another, then I remember how much I love my sleep… so nah, I'll just hold my friends' babies! 🙂
I am so excited for you!!! My aunt had her son at 37 without any problems! And 37 is by far not old at all!!
Children are such blessings. I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!! Congratulations!!!