Here’s my weekly addition to the A B See Photomeme over at the Homeschool Post. I think I may have missed a week in there, somewhere, because I’m still on the letter E (not that there are rules about what letter you can be on… but I like to go in order). I’ve been really bad about taking pictures lately. Blame it (like everything else) on the pregnancy.
So… this picture is rather old. I think it is possibly two school years ago – on our “back to school breakfast” day. Too bad this year we really aren’t having one of those… because we aren’t going back to school.
Ha! Gotcha! We never stopped doing school this year. Still plugging slowly away at it – like a constant dripping torture…
However, I’m feeling the inspiration and desire slowly come back – despite last year’s painful burn out. Here’s hoping that all these new school supplies and the feeling of ‘fall in the air’ can breathe some life in to our homeschool and put a fire under our hineys.
Check out the link in this post up there (under the phrase “back to school breakfast”) to read about our school-year tradition of starting up with a trip to IHOP or our favorite breakfast taco joint. I think this year we might go to a donut shop… or maybe take donuts to the park after it gets cooler. We already did some goal review at home, so in another 6 or 8 weeks, we should be ready for a “back to school breakfast” again.
E isn’t just for eating, though. School children can not live on breakfast tacos alone. School SUPPLIES are also very important and necessary for getting the year off to a good start.
Elmer’s has started a new way to bless those who can’t afford school supplies: Bagging It Forward. They are donating $10 – up to $10,000 total – to ‘Adopt-a-Classroom’ for every Elmer’s Virtual Bag It Forward blog meme post. This post would qualify (see how easy it is???)…
- Participate in the Elmer’s Virtual Bag It Forward and by giving away a virtual bag of school supplies and creating a blog post with specific rules described below.
- Elmer’s will donate up to $10,000 to Adopt-A-Classroom.
- You can give as many virtual bags as you want.
- The Elmer’s Virtual Bag It Forward will officially begin at 12 AM EST on July 22, 2010 and end at 12 PM EST on August 12, 2010. Blog posts submitted to us before or after that time period will not be counted.
- The blog post link has to be submitted in the comment section of this post for your participation to be counted.
- In addition copy and paste the following text into your blog post:
- Copy and paste these rules into your blog post.
- Create a blog post giving a “virtual bag of school supplies” to other bloggers or write about your Back to School shopping trip at Walmart.
- Link back to the person who gave you a bag of school supplies.
- Let each person you are giving a virtual bag of school supplies know you have given them a bag.
- Leave your link in the Elmer’s Virtual Bag It Forward comment section. You can also find the official rules of this virtual #bagitforward program there.
- Elmer’s is donating $10 for each blog participating in the Virtual Bag It Forward Donation to Adopt-A-Classroom (up to total of $10,000 for blog posts written by August 12, 2010).
- Please note that only one blog post per blog url will count towards the donation.
I’m donating a virtual bag of school supplies to Karin and Nikowa, and challenging them to Bag it Forward with Elmer’s! E is for ‘Excellent Idea’!
I was wondering why I thought of you after writing my last blog post! I thought at first it was just the photo I put up. (You inspire me-what can I say?!)
But perhaps it was because we have both been struggling with HS motivation.
I had written what God has laid upon my heart in regards to that. Maybe it will help, I don't know!
Love the pic!
My oldest daughter starts school in October for the first time. I have plans for a special breakfast celebration to mark the big day 🙂
Good on you for sharing such a great cause 🙂