I keep records of the curriculum books/resources we use for each year that we homeschool and add the records to an ever-growing Homeschool Series post. Although my style has been eclectic, my purpose is very solid – to train up my children in the Lord. You’ll find a lot of things on my list of curriculum that can be used by homeschoolers in various different methods of teaching. My advice to you is not to go off of someone else’s ‘list of favorites’, but to get out and GO to the book fairs and SEE for YOURSELF. TRY IT and see if it works AT HOME – with YOUR children.
We have always homeschooled on a tight budget and have used the library and field trips with our unit studies as a main source of curriculum. I’m not big on a heavy amount of packaged curriculum, but as you can see – we do use some A Beka and have had success with it. Even with the packaged stuff, there is often a lot of good if you pick and choose what works for you and don’t load yourself down with “busy work” or “twaddle” that will kill the love-of-learning your children need to succeed. I truly believe that: You can homeschool successfully with ANY curriculum using ANY method. So be yourself!
Most homeschool kids have a lot of opportunity to do extra curricular things outside of regular academics. My list of those type things has been on the slim side since the economy has taken a down turn. While that might make me sad, I don’t think my children are deprived if they miss out on ballet and karate lessons. They can still become great people if they never learn to play a violin. Sometimes you have to make budget cuts – even public schools do this. When you don’t have enough money to afford piano lessons, you wait until you can afford them and pick them up again. I would also suggest doing research online for free lessons or getting your own co-op group together and having a talented mom teach a class for much less than a paid teacher would charge. Whatever works!
Below is a list of things we used for the 2007-8 School Year. If you have children who are younger than 4th or 5th Grade, check out my previous years that are listed on the Homeschool Series Post.
If you have any questions; please by all means, leave them in the comments section. I will get to them as I can (if you log in and leave an email address when you comment, I can email you back as well).
MAIN CURRICULUM for 3rd & 4th Grade
Library Books (free – aside from the late fees)
Internet for research
Field Trips
KONOS Unit Studies – Search Amazon.com for konos curriculum
The Bible
Prayer Journals
Jesus Freaks Volume 2 – DC Talk (devotional)
Clubs: Contenders of the Faith/Keepers of the Home
Secrets of the Vine for Kids (Devotional)
I Can Study 1 Samuel Alone With God (Study)
Lifestlye Priorities, Living with Purpose in a Fast-Paced World – John White (devo)
Scott Foresman Online Free Grammar & Writing Worksheets
Crosswords (free online) for vocabulary
Pen Pals
A Beka Penmanship Grades 4 & 5 – Search Amazon.com for a beka curriculum
A Beka Math Grades 4 & 5
A Beka American History
A Beka Science book
Visualize World Geography – Visualize World Geography in 7 Minutes a Day: Let Pictography Take You from Clueless to Knowing the World
Free Travel Italian through Library (Rosetta Stone)
GeeArt Online (this program is now called Creativity Express!)
Art Class given by retired public school life-time art teacher (mom of one of our co-op members)
Art Express Textbooks by Harcourt & Brace (K-5)
Piano Lessons by Chickie (the kids’ grandma happens to be a piano teacher – I lucked out)
Mavis Beacon Typing Software
Up next in the series will be:
Post #3 – 4th and 5th Grade Field Trips
Post #4 – 4th and 5th Grade Learning Enrichment Ideas
Post #5 – Favorite Memories from 4th and 5th Grade
You know not to hold your breath on the series getting finished, fast, right? But I promise, I’m workin’ on it!
Have a super Thursday!
Quick Links:
3/4 Homeschool Curriculum
2/3 Homeschool Curriculum
1/2 Homeschool Curriculum
K/1 Homeschool Curriculum
PK/K Homeschool Curriculum
Sprittibee’s Homeschool Series
*If you are having trouble seeing this post in a reader, click over to see it on the blog!
Konos! That is how I came across your blog in the first place. We are doing Orderliness this fall. Having fun so far but boy Jessica is right. You don't even have a clue how to do this until year 5. I was homeschooled, I'm on headed into year four and I'm just now starting to feel "together".
What unit are you doing?
What a wonderful reminder at this time of year that you can homeschool successfully with any curriculum using any method. Those library trips are rich with learning all around! Great budget tips too. Thank you.