Hi, my name is Heather and I have a blog conference addiction. I also have a blog addiction. And a photography addiction. And a baby addiction. I’m pretty OCD all around, actually…
This post is serving two purposes… one is the Letter H for the A B See Photomeme over at the Homeschool Post; and the other is … well…. read along…
I thought for sure after Blissdom that I’d be OK when BlogHer came and went. I figured that two blog conferences for the year was enough. I really wanted to go to Relevant in October of 2010 – in PA… and BlogHer was in New York (another impossible travel spot that would require much more resources and begging for sponsors). I knew I had to pick one or the other. However… as soon as all my imaginary friends started tweeting that they were at the boarding gates and heading to the Big Apple, my heart sank.
That’s when sweet Robin (on the right below) reminded me about her BlogHop ’10. Just in time for BlogHer10. So at least I can hang with my homies virtually… which is mostly all I can ever do. Sadly.
I’ve had the privilege of meeting miss Robin twice (and sweet Mrs. Amber, too – isn’t she lovely? She’s on the left. That would be MY right.). Hopefully I’ll have many more opportunities in the future – to hang with both of them… and all of my other wonderful imaginary friends!
As long as my blogging heart continues to spill out in digital form… I’ll be hoping to attend at least two conferences each year. Wish I could do them all. Funds and family just won’t permit any more of a commitment than that. Last year I did Type-A Mom. This year I did Blissdom and Lord willing, I’ll be at Relevant (in my shiny Chevy – riding 5 deep).
I’m the queen of long road trips. Bring on the travel money, baby – this Texan ‘ain’t skeered… and neither is her posse:
So welcome to my little corner of the BlogHop 2010 party! It sure beats crying in your bag of Cheetos about why you can’t be at BlogHer, right?
Here’s a brief intro about what this blog is about:
I’m a homeschool mom in her late 30’s – raising a set of tweens, a 1 year old, and a soon-to-be tiny infant (pregnant again, and yes, I know what causes that).
I live in Texas.
I cook gourmet meals (when I feel like it).
I take peekshurs.
I love my iPhone.
I have been blogging (and trapping Google searchers) since 2005 and am pretty much the last ancient dinosaur blog that hasn’t migrated to Word Press where all the cool people are.
I curate for Blissreads and run another site called the Homeschool Post (that has 20 awesome authors).
I blog about everything under the sun. From a homeschool mom’s perspective, of course. Which is a very eclectic viewpoint; almost as eclectic as my curriculum. But not quite.
I don’t use proper grammar. Unless I’m taking a test.
You can find out more about me at these links:
About Me
Homeschool Journey in a Nutshell
So how about you? Where did you surf in from? What’s your blog link? How long have you been blogging? Have you been to any blog conferences yet?
I can’t wait to meet you all!
BlogHop on!!!
OK I just found your blog and it's great! I will look into the bloghop, which I knew nothing about. I'm new to this homeschooling thing, and looking for inspiration- so I will follow and steal (I mean borrow) all your cool ideas:) And you are so funny… Just started my home school blog. I'll stop blabbing on.
Becky C
A Country Classroom
Oh this is so unfair. I feel like I've known you for years… like we are real life besties. It really is sad that we have never met. 🙁
One day soon, mmmkay?
I'm still on Blogger – does that mean I'm not cool? 🙂 Actually a good friend of mine recently switched to WordPress for security reasons and now that has me thinking…
I enjoy blogging – for our family & for our ministry with Wycliffe – but have never considered even for a moment attending a blogger conference.
I thought the same thing after Blissdom… and now I'm crying into my coffee. 😛 BUT, we will rock out the Relevant days!
I'm visiting from the Blog Hop, and I enjoyed your intro!
I didn't feel bad about missing BlogHer last year: I was a brand-new blogger and the conference was far from home. This year, when it's in NYC, it's so close that I could practically wave out my window to someone who's there. But it's okay: I'm truly happy to be home with my family and visiting everyone virtually.
I think that answers your questions. 🙂
I hopped over – how can I resist? Very much looking forward to meeting you at Relevant – and maybe one day you guest posting over at the homeschool village. fingers crossed.
Hi! Visiting from the blog hop- I enjoyed reading your hop post- though I'm not a conference gal. I did go to SBSummit, which was small and I enjoyed. I'm still on Blogger after a year and a half, and I'm skeeered to go to WP. 🙂 Someday…
Hello Heather! I've never been to a blogging conference and {gasp} actually have no desire to go. However, I do enjoy meeting people and reading other blogs, so I'm joining my first ever Blog Hop this time around. 🙂 Congrats on baby #4 – my folks had five kids (and I'm #5), so I happen to think big(ger) families are great! And finally, YAY for homeschooling (I was HS, K-12 back before it was popular) and road trips! 🙂
Just found you and I like the lilt in your words! I haven't messed around on your site yet to see everything, but I read the intro and smiled ear to ear. I'm a northeastern girl (upstate NY), and before I had my 3 chillen's (boy 17, girl 15, boy 12), I was a sweat hog (writer/associate producer)for Reading Rainbow, the PBS tv show. I've kept a blog for the past nine months when my sweet husband of 22 years and my darling girl were nailed head on by a drunk driver. He almost dies. She sustains a brain injury. I write my way through it all. Anyway, you are a joy. Really.
Your friend on the pilgrim road,