As promised, here is my field trip list for:
OUR 6th YEAR OF HOMESCHOOL: 4th GRADE and 5th GRADE (2007-8)!
Do you have kids that are younger than 4th and 5th Grade? Go visit my previous field trip lists (linked with photos and reviews). They can be found on my Homeschool Series post by year/grade level.
Below is a list of field trips we took when my children were in Fourth and Fifth Grade during the 2007-8 school year. In case you are just “tuning in” (and I apologize up front to the regular visitors for sounding like a broken record), our kiddos were 8 and 10 at the time. As my “Field Trip Foto Friday” Series progresses, I’ll try and stop back in here to add links with detailed reviews of these field trips.
If there is a review of the field trip, it will be linked below and marked with asterisks (***) so you can go read the review.
Field trips are our favorite part of the school year. Of course, I did not list the numerous times we went to the park or library – those are frequent ‘field trips’ for us. Some of these are pretty unconventional (I included my kids in a few voting and political processes to help teach them good citizenship as required by Texas law)… but you would be amazed at what you can learn if you HEAD OUT SOMEWHERE with the intention of LEARNING something new! Even a trip to the grocery store can be an educational experience if you set goals, bring tools (calculator), have an idea of what you aim to teach, and make it FUN!
The ones that I have good photos for will eventually appear in my Field Trip Foto Friday series and I’ll link them back on this post.
2007-2008 Field Trips (Fourth/Fifth Grade)
- Pioneer Farms Homeschool Day
- Visit a small airport, get in a Cyrus plane
- Fossil Hunt with co-op Friends (nature walk)
- Singing carols at a nursing home
- Diversity Training: Field Trip to a Public School ***
- George Washington Carver Museum
- River Nature Walk
- Bob Bullock Texas State History Museum
- Voting and Precinct Convention with Mom
- Piano Recital
- Regional Robofest Competition
- National Robofest Competition in Michigan ***
- Cross-Country road-trip (9 states) ***
- Horseriding Competition (cousin’s)
- Meramec Caves ***
- Zilker Botanical Gardens
- Nature walk and picnic lunch at the ‘Pond’ (err… Drainage Ditch) ***
- County Republican Delegate Meeting (and a soap box) ***
- Easter Egg Hunt at the Nursing Home
- Go to a Court Hearing
Up next in the series will be my list of learning enrichment ideas and then a post about our favorite memories from our school year in 2007-8. Check back in here next week for more homeschool records for fourth and fifth grades.
Have a super Thursday!
For the past 6 months, our lives have been one big long cross-country road trip. Other than that, your list makes me tired to look at. 🙂 However, you have some really great ideas. Once we actually move to TX and get settled, I'll put field trips back on my regular to-do list.
For now, I'm going back to packing…