I love seeing people’s school rooms. I figure most other homeschool moms are the same… so next week when it is my turn to host the Carnival of Homeschooling, I’ll be taking submissions not only for great articles you have posted on your blogs so I can link them here… but also PHOTOS of your school rooms. I’ll be sure to credit you with a link back to your blog or school room post under each photo.
My school room is still blue – still mappy … but much more of a mess lately. Hopefully we’ll get a chance to clean it up after we work through our workboxes today.
I can’t wait to see your school rooms!
Here’s how you can enter a post and photo for the Carnival of Homeschooling:
URL of post (example: http://yourblog.com/yourpost)
Name of post (example: A Typical Homeschool Day at Our House)
Name of author
Name of blog
Summary of Post (example: Heather shares the good, the bad and the ugly about a ‘Typical Homeschool Day at Her House’)
Photo (attach picture to email – best if photo is 475 pixels across, but I can resize for you if you don’t know how)
Email your submissions to: carnivalofhomeschooling@gmail.com
Brownie points goes to everyone who gets their submissions in BEFORE next Monday! The cut off time is Monday evening at 6pm, I think. However, I’m going to start working on it at 5pm and try to get it done before bed that night! I can’t afford an all-nighter with a 1 year old to tend to. Or maybe I’m just getting older? Stranger things have happened, I’m sure.
No homeschooling here, but I will love seeing the photos!
We just moved things around…again. I will be putting up new photos today or tomorrow, and will send them your way! Don't know about resizing though!
My goodness! A one year-old AND preggers? That's a double-whammy, girl! I've just started adding homeschool posts to my blog…I'll have to see if there's a "best" I'm willing to submit. 🙂 ~K
I love your wall art and it really seems like you have a gift for organization.
That mappy color blue has always made me think of the beach. Admire your wall of inspiration 🙂
Looking forward to the carnival!
What fun to have a whole room just for school! We just use the kitchen table because I have no extra room and just one kiddo. :^) I can dream of endless possibilities though and I'm looking forward to seeing all your rooms.
I found your blog by searching the net for KONOS stuff, and I'm so glad I did! What an adorable blog you have!
I plan on staying for much more than the KONOS post:)
Come "follow" me too:)