It’s been crazy for me and my bee hive with the Homeschool Blog Awards AND the Relevant Blog Conference happening in the same month. I just wanted you all to know that the awards are now open and you can click this large, juicy button and see how you can nominate your favorite homeschool-related blogs. There are 20 different categories and a multitude of snazzy prizes for the winners.
I also posted the A B See photo meme yesterday over there. Shutterfly is giving away 50 free personalized greeting cards to the October winning photographer. We’re starting week 5, but you can start your alphabetical themed photos at any time… it isn’t too late to join in the fun. I’ll let you know a little secret: for the last few weeks there have only been between 7-10 photos for me to pick from… so the chances of winning the prizes are really HIGH for a give-away photo meme! Not only can you win prizes and get some recognition for your photo talent if your picture is chosen to display… but you can enjoy the meme as a photo homeschool project with your kids and learn to take pictures together. If your kids are really young, you can use the assignments (a…b…c…d…) to create a photo book that teaches little ones their alphabet! It really is a fun meme.
Lots of things going on over there this month – and then voting in November. Add the Post to your list of daily digest of homeschool blogs (follow their RSS/feed or sign up for emails so you don’t miss a thing).
What fun!! I can't believe how much you have going on right now, Heather. Hope you have a wonderful, refreshing time at Relevant!! 🙂
I hope you have a fabulous, amazing, fun filled time! And create some wonderful family memories!!