Pregnancy is a strange experience; wonderful and horrible all at the same time. The little swishing limbs and eager expectations of meeting a miniature, brand new family member are such indescribable joys. The stretch marks, strange body malfunctions, spreading hips and feet, swelling and heartburn… not so enjoyable.
I hesitate to give updates because they usually tempt me to complain. At least I find the whole ordeal rather humorous to some extent – I haven’t lost my sense of humor yet (ask me about that during the next ‘transition’ phase of labor and I’ll let you know if I still have it).
The photo below was at 31 weeks last time… and I look at least that big now. Not brave enough to get the camera out.
I’m 28 weeks and 3 days today. That means, if my doctor’s calculations are correct (and she’s a smart cookie – so I don’t doubt they might be) this baby is likely to be big enough to float in the Macy’s Parade. Well, maybe not this week – but by the time he gets here for sure (assuming I don’t split like a faded car-seat before then).
I was 2 months away from having the Viking when things started getting this bad last time….
The Viking in my Ribs and Other Pathetic Complaints
12 more weeks to go. Oh my. That’s like 3 FULL months.
Let me give you an idea of why 12 more weeks is very worrisome:
Let’s start WAY back so I can give you a clear picture of what pregnancy usually looks like for me….
Imagine me at 118 pounds. Boy, those were the days. I believed all that ‘eating for two’ stuff. It didn’t help that my first child was incompatible with anything (including MEXICAN FOOD) unless it was dripping in cream and chocolate. The fact that all of my children are Winter babies – born just after the holidays certainly hasn’t helped my figure through the years. In case you haven’t noticed, there’s a LOT of really GOOD food available during the holidays… and holiday food is my favorite.
To make a long story short, here are my pregnancy stats:
Baby 1: 118 lbs. + 60 during pregnancy = 178 delivery
Baby 2: 134 lbs. + 36 during pregnancy = 170 delivery
Then I swallowed a Diamond Ring…
Sad First Week of School
Miscarriage: 139 lbs. + 6 during pregnancy = 145
Baby 3: 144 lbs. + 30 during pregnancy = 174 delivery
Baby 4: This pregnancy… starting at 147 + ? = ?
You would think that I might be having this kid in the 170’s. Right? That seems to be a pattern… no matter how thin I am, my body has an internal timer near 175 pounds and OUT POPS THE BABY.
All would be great with that idea if I wasn’t still THREE MONTHS out and already 166 lbs! Did I mention that the holidays are coming up… and there will be food?
Here’s me the week before Baby K was born, at Target – on the old-people scooter because I couldn’t walk. Mind you, I was only 174 pounds. That’s only 8 pounds away from RIGHT NOW, people. So you can imagine how miserable I already feel. My doctor is considering going on vacation for the next three months so she won’t have to listen to me beg her to ‘get the baby out’. She has nightmares still from the last pregnancy she endured with me. Poor thing.
I guess I shouldn’t complain that the heartburn is beginning again… because I’m pretty sure there won’t be seconds for me of anything this Thanksgiving or Christmas. If I were a 6 year old, I would be stomping my feet and crossing my arms because “It JUST ISN’T FAIR.” Thanksgiving and Christmas foods are my favorite in the whole wide world. Even better because I’m not the one having to cook them all.
Wanna know what’s on the menu at Kevin’s Mom’s side?
Sweet Potato Yeast Rolls
Mustard Greens
Sweet Potato Casserole
Broccoli and Rice Casserole
Corn Pudding
Brussell Sprouts?
Green Beans
Pinto Beans
Macaroni and Cheese Casserole
Sweet Tea
Sugar Cookies
Chocolate Pie
Pecan Pie
Pumpkin Pie
Pumpkin Bread
Fruit Salad
Green Jello
Oreo Balls
We aren’t going to this feast, unfortunately. However, I can’t help but think that it is very fortunate for my next doctor appointment that we are missing it this year.
Sadly, I’m pretty sure that the food at Kev’s Dad’s house will be equally wonderful, with only a slight bit less focus on dessert. Nana makes a mean stuffing and her Nut and Jello Salads are AMAZING (she has a green one and a really pretty wine colored one).
[As I was typing this, Pop just called to ask me what I needed to make my Sweet Potato Bliss. Oh, about “6 sticks of butter” I told him. I was only exagerating a little bit. Sweet Potato Bliss is my favorite.]
So… today, I’ll be getting my glucose screening at the blood lab and trying to avoid the cheeseburger I’m craving. And then later this week, I’ll be watching the scale as closely as I watch the sales for Black Friday. The online ones that is… because this pregnant mama is NOT standing in lines at 5AM for anything.
…Because I’m already grumpy about having to skip seconds on Thanksgiving.
All I want for Thanksgiving – and Christmas – is a really slow weight gain, relief from the pressure of this elephant sitting on my chest, very little if any heartburn (so I can actually enjoy my cranberry and dressing)… and the promise of an easy delivery (of a baby that is NOT bigger than the last one – HELLO 9 pounds of agony with your arm folded beside your head!). Oh, and it would be nice if my relatives would all commit to having another Thanksgiving meal in June. Or even July. We can crank down the A/C and pretend like it isn’t 104 degrees, even. By then, I’m sure I’ll be breathing a lot better – and I’ll even volunteer to make more than one of the dishes.
Thanksgiving in July. I like the sound of that.
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Awww! I feel for you! I NEVER looked like that! I always look more like 5 months at 10 months- so I can't imagine how lovely that must feel…prayers for the next ??? weeks!
You just don't gain much weight in that pretty face of yours, do ya?!
With all my pregnancies, my face looks like a watermelon!Lol
Yes, Thanksgiving does sound good in July! Up here in the North, we could be authentic and have it outside like the real pilgrims!(Less mess!)
There is less illness in July too, so I would feel more like having it!
Hope you all have a blessed Thanksgiving in spite of it all, Spritti!
The bright side, though, and there is one, right? You still look amazing. Seriously, you do.
And own your time on the cart. None of the rest of us can get away with that…
Ugh. I can completely relate with you, Heather. My weight changes for the past 7 babies look strikingly similar to yours. It definitely adds up with each baby!!
I get ENORMOUS in pregnancy, plus I'm only 5'2 so every pound I gain looks about double on my short frame… People expect that I'm due about 4 months before I am.
Hang in there… 🙂 You look beautiful – you're having a sweet little precious baby!!!
I try to remind myself in pregnancy that 1. The Lord is working on my character extra-hard and that's a good thing. and 2. The family dynamics will completely change once the new baby arrives, so I need to enjoy my kids the way things are at the present time.
You'd think after 7 kids and 7 rough pregnancies, the urge would wear off, but your post makes me want to be pregnant again. Mostly.
You swallowed a diamond ring???? I don't recall you blogging about that before. 😉
I never got down to my pre-pregnancy weight before getting pregnant again and I used the old people carts too! My feet were so swollen I couldn't walk once I got to the store.
I love your sense of humor my dear. When I was on the South Beach diet (which I should really do again…after the holidays) I had a virtually fat free and sugar free Thanksgiving dinner. No one was sluggish after eating and no one knew it was healthy. It was just as enjoyable.
Got that sweet potato recipe handy? Sound delish!
I will be praying for you for sure. I can't get over your face, it hasn't changed. My nose and lips look swollen when I'm preggo. I can relate to the weight issues, I've struggled with mine the last 5 years. I gained 25 lbs with my first…I think I was 135lbs when I delivered. With my second I gained 30 lbs, 189 when I delivered. I got down to 135 then skyrocketed up to 172-not preggo! I'm now back to 160…but I'd like to get down to at least 150 before we have anymore. And it's a big IF whether or not we have anymore. Even at 166 I think you look beautiful and you probably feel bigger than you are! Just take little bites…graze all day 🙂
Let me just go ahead and say this, because I'm a good friend and I want to make you feel better. WHAT I WOULDN'T GIVE TO BE IN THE 140, 150, even 170 lb. range again! ANYTHING under 200 would be GREAT! There, I said it. Pfffffft! I don't let my weight trouble me as much as I used to, but it's never easy (or fun!) to be "big girl". I feel for you, sweetie. But think about it like this, you'll lose most of yours when the baby bee gets here! ♥ ya, girlfriend.
You silly silly girl. You looked great the last time I saw you. Weight gain slows down nearing the end. Enjoy the holidays and eat what you can fit in your squished stomach.
I'll commit to Thanksgiving in July. I can't go 12 months without dressing.
And I'm sure you will look like you're 20 years old after giving birth to this one like you did with Kohen. And for that I may disown you forever.
I bet you look beautiful!
Good things can come in big packages too. 🙂 Hang in there and enjoy yourself this week! We are skipping the traditional on Thanksgiving and having pasta! Still having a ton of desserts though- gingerbread with cream cheese frosting, white chocolate chip cranberry snickerdoodle cookies, frozen limeade pie, and probably a pumpkin pie too. (after all, it IS Thanksgiving!)
Happy Thanksgiving, Heather!
Love you!
Loved reading this. This is exactly how I felt with my last baby, but low and behold, I did deliver her pretty early, but for completely unrelated reasons. You looked great, even in that motorized cart. Don't despair, it's all worth it!