I got a glimpse in to God’s mysterious hiding place today… the womb of a weak and very human woman. Amazing to me that He would have chosen such a place to begin the salvation of His beloved… the children He longed to bring home and hold close.
This new tiny dude looks like a twin; just like his big brother… my Viking man. So we have the Viking and the Gladiator (or maybe we should call him Linus – because he was really fond of his “pillow”, the placenta). His head is up under my ribs and he frowned when we pressed against his face to get a clear picture.
Mama has been on a gestational diabetic diet since last Friday night. Flunked my 3 hour test last week (the third time I’ve had one of those – “third time’s a charm”). I felt my heart racing yesterday and took my sugar… it was 225. Now I know it isn’t blood pressure or caffeine sensitivity (which feels the same way). I suspect I’ve had gestational diabetes since around the 22nd week at least… and possibly have had it in past pregnancies… and sadly, I am not sure if I have even had borderline symptoms between the past pregnancy and this one. I’m praying I don’t have diabetes because the diet is no fun; although I am certain that I’m predisposed for it with my mom and sister being Type 1.
Just three days on this diet (VERY little carbs, high protein, no sugars) and I have lost two pounds. The little chipmunk in my belly looks pretty healthy regardless… and that’s wonderful. They are guessing he’s almost 5 lbs. now, and I have somewhere in the neighborhood of six weeks left to go.
Want to guess on a due date? Original due date was Feb. 11 – doc said she would induce during the 39th week – and baby K was 2 weeks early and over 9lbs. – and every one of my babies has been about a pound heavier than the last one (7, 8, 9). My money is on the last few days of January. I’d love it to be the 21st, though – naturally and without Pitosin this time. The 21st was Stonewall Jackson’s birthday… and we have a lot of January babes in the family.
Want to see what mama looks like at around 31 weeks (I’m 32 weeks as of last Friday):
Thank the Lord for winter clothes and colder weather. Amen.
If you have some great diabetic-friendly recipes, I’d love to have them. Feel free to email me suggestions for food so I don’t go crazy over the holidays. I’m hoping that even after the baby comes and my sugars regulate, I’ll probably adopt some of these dietary changes as a New Years Resolution and hopefully a lifestyle for the future of our family. I certainly agree that sugary pop, white breads, and eating too much junk food is a horrible health practice for anyone – whether they are diabetic or not.
Thanks so much to those of you who have left prayerful comments on my Facebook page through all my dietary whining status updates and questions. I may miss my chocolate and sweets this holiday, but I’m cooking up a wonderful little sweet thing for the family; baking it at 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit for the next six weeks or so.
Can’t wait to hold him and kiss those fat cheeks.
How cool that you can have a picture like that! You're still beautiful, my dear friend. Hoping you're right with the 3rd week of January thoughts. Praying for you.
Bummer about the diabetes! My due date is the 10th (although I'm not expecting him to arrive until much after that, following the pattern of my other children.) I have a similar pattern to your 7, 8, 9. But mine is 8, 9, 10. I'm really really hoping to break that cycle and this will not be an 11 pounder!
He is gorgeous! Just like his mama! And I, too, am amazed at the technology that allows such a precious glimpse into the womb. Wow!
I just love those glimpses into the womb. So precious.
You are beautiful, Heather.
So sorry about the diet and the gestational diabetes. That really is a bummer. Can you use splenda? If so, I have a great cheesecake recipe using splenda that is lo-carb and high protein. Let me know and I'll get it to you.
Much love,
He is pwecious. You don't even have the pregnancy bloat in your face. Rudeness. You've been saying since the beginning that you're huge this pregnancy, but I don't see it (except for the bump).
Its awesome to have ultrasound pics! Praying for a safe delivery. You look great too, Heather!
What a precious baby! It's amazing that you can see exactly what he looks like.
I have been a bit suspicious that my sister had undiagnosed gestational diabetes with her pregnancies –partly because of the size of the babies.
I really out to be eating like a diabetic when pregnant. But that is hard!
Especially since carbs help so much with the nausea feelings.
Sweet baby! I'm so sorry you're dealing with the gestational diabetes. 🙁
Mix one packet of sugar free vanilla pudding(just dry, dont make the pudding) with a can of crushed pineapple(not drained) and an 8 oz container of fat free sour cream. Pour into a grahm cracker crust. SOOO GOOD!! Taste kinda like a pineapple cheesecake! I make this for holidays even though we are not diabetic!
Wishing you a very merry Christmas and a peaceful 6 weeks of waiting!
First of all you look beautiful! Love the baby pic, I just love how amazing God is and all the glimpses of Heaven he gives us.
I had G.D. with my last pregnancy and lost 10lbs…awesome! My favorite lunch/dinner was either spinach or romaine salad with grilled chicken, chopped apples, a few croutons, sunflower seeds and fat free ranch dressing. HEAVEN on a plate. I also ate a homemade Sausage, Egg & Cheese McMuffin almost every day. I drank diet drinks when I needed some caffeine.
It's hard especially around all the holidays. Luckily I had mine a year ago tomorrow, so I got to eat all the yummy Christmas food!
Good luck!
What a sweet picture of your baby! You look great! Pregnancy is such a wonderful time(even with it's physical ups & downs).
Oh and I must say that I love your shower curtain!!(I assume that's where you're standing!)
Gladiator! 🙂 LOVE IT.
You are such a beautiful and radiant pregnant woman, Heather.
Oh Heather, that is the sweetest sonogram capture I have ever seen–absolutely precious! You look beautiful, girl–thanks for sharing a snap of yourself as well. 🙂 Blessings ~ K
Thanks for sharing. Nice post
Merry Christmas and hope you have a brilliant year ahead