Homeschooling alone is possible, sure; but why would you when you could have a support group (read: friends) that lifts you and encourages you along the journey?
The above picture are just a few of my homeschool friends who are ‘in this boat with me’ and who are part of a local co-op (some 40 families strong) which get together each month for different types of activities. We were at a progressive mom’s meeting that day – eating breakfast at Lucy’s and then popping over to Terri Sue’s for lunch and more fellowship. We love hangin’ with each other… sans the kids. Sometimes you have to just be yourself and recharge.
Cool Stuff About Our Co-Op
* We have classes taught by moms offered each year.
* We have a mom’s fellowship each month.
* We have an elementary and pre-school group that meet every week or so.
* Our teens get together for an event or fellowship once a month.
* We put on a graduation each year – and sometimes a talent show.
* We have spelling bees, culture fairs, art fairs, science fairs and holiday parties.
* We have mom business meetings each semester to discuss the direction of the group.
* We have a leadership team that plans for our group.
* We have an email group for prayer and discussion with reminders for gatherings.
* We have a person in charge of sending cards and another in charge of meals for those who are shut in within our group.
* We have a designated treasurer and our dues pay for gym days in the winter and other fees for supplies and parties.
* We have a field trip around once a month for our entire group.
* The moms get away for a retreat once a year (I missed it last weekend!).
* Of course, small groups of us meet for fun all the time – and our kids have sleepovers and hang out together, too.
Honestly, I don’t know what I would do without my homeschool mom friends – even when we go for weeks without getting to see them when we’re crazy busy. Online friends are wonderful, but there’s nothing like sitting down over tea or coffee and talking with a real-live-buddy about whatever issues you are having or curriculum questions you have. I highly suggest finding a support group near you to get plugged in to.
There aren’t many people in the world more wonderful than other homeschool moms. And of course… the added plus is that their kids are usually just as wonderful – which is a blessing to my homeschool kids, too!
I plan on homeschooling when my kids are old enough (which is soon!) and I hope to find somethings like this also! Great post! I'm so glad you have these ladies!
In my experience that's a Support Group with a Co-op!
So many different definitions, in different areas.
Glad you have support!
Our group is very similar to yours in all the activities that you provide and do. I love our homeschool group and consider the people in it as part of my family!!
Our homeschool coop feel apart this year and I was sad. I hope next year God will bless us with a great combination of moms teaching together. Your group sounds AWESOME. I'm always so envious when I hear what you are planning!
WOW!! What an awesome sounding group. I am one of the co-leaders of mine. It is hard to get people to activities. Very small group of people that are active (in both meetings and activities). Can I join from MA ; )
Yes, this would be a lonely road if it weren't for our home school support groups. Although, I know a lot of people who do not participate in them. We home educators can also be quite independent. Nice post.
Can you send me more information on your retreats? I would love to do that with our co-op here! Thanks
Awesome! looks like you got a great group!!!!!!
🙂 I came by to see abt your new addition. I miss you all so much! Seriously, there needs to be an alumni moms night. For me, the moms were the best part of EAGLES. I would not have gitten as far as I did w/out ta'll. Thank you for this post. God bless you amd sweet dreams.