There are disappointments in life, it’s true.
I have had to let go of people: you can’t make them love you, you can’t please them all, we are all terminal – and our loved ones eventually will pass on.
I have had to let go of dreams: growing up, you realize that many of the dreams of youth aren’t attainable… and when you raise a family, many times a parent must sacrifice dreams for reality’s needs.
I have had to move away from places I loved… and I’ve been stuck – unable to afford to go places and see people I care about for various reasons.
We’ve had our down and out days… floods ravishing our homes, jobs lost, friends and family dying, dangerous situations, desperate times… hearts breaking.
But there has always been this:
Job 19:25 ~ “I know that my redeemer lives, and that in the end he will stand on the earth.”
I know that whatever comes, I have an eternal reward waiting. There is comfort and hope in the Gospel story because of my Lord’s resurrection and promise of eternal life for those that love Him. Even if there is pain on this side of eternity…
John 17:24 ~ “Father, I want those you have given me to be with me where I am, and to see my glory, the glory you have given me because you loved me before the creation of the world.”
Take away a man’s purpose, and you take away the meaning from his life. Purpose is essential. The Christian has purpose because of the resurrection of Christ.
He rose again. That means there’s more to this life than heartache and eventually dust.
People may fail you. Life may hurt.
I know my redeemer lives. And that makes all the difference in the world.
May your heart be open to Him and His promises this Easter… as the world celebrates his resurrection and the promise of His return. May you find healing and hope in His Word. He’s the only thing that won’t disappoint.
Amen! Lovely post, Heather, and so true. He is risen indeed. Hallelujah!
AMEN Sister!
You put it all into the proper perspective…