Number 1 – YO Mama
See more Lolcats and funny pictures at I Can Haz Cheeseburger.
Don’t forget to send your mom a card today. It won’t get there in time if you don’t.
Oh, wait – it’s after 7pm. Forget that reminder.
Guess who didn’t get her cards in the mail today?
Yep. I suck.
Number 2 – A Give Away
On Mother’s Day, we’ll be reviewing some awesome mom-related stuff for those with little’uns at the Homeschool Post, including books, products and toys. There will be a multiple-product give-away included! Don’t miss it!
Number 3 – A Piano Recital
I hid behind the baby grand pianos along the side wall and watched the entire show. Three poopy diapers (one up the back) and a change of baby clothes later, we all went out to eat lunch with grandma at Panda Express. Morgan was upset because of her mistakes, but I’ve never seen a girl so serious about learning a song. She decided the WEEK before the concert that she was going to do an Owl City song — which was a more difficult piece than she has ever played — and she practiced her heart out and was willing to go on stage and play in front of her grandparents and the whole audience. I give her an A plus – even with all the slips.
Number 4 – The Blue-Eyed Baby is Three Months Old
Which kind of explains why there’s not much else on my list (and not much getting done on the to-do list, either). He’s cooing and laughing … he turns from tummy to back … he chews his fists and drools like teething is on the way … he nurses like a starved animal constantly (I’m in that “The Boppy is a Ball and Chain” stage) … and he is so stinkin’ cute (heavy on the stinkin’ part most of the time) that I could eat him up.
One day I may wish that I had. But that is for another post … about teenagers and the dangers of homeschooling them – – until they have a better vocabulary than you do – – and much more energy…
…time for a nap.
Just wanted you to know that you're not the only one that sucks. I went through all the "fun" of having the kids make Mother's Day cards for the grandmas…yep, it's Thurs and I didn't send them out. I suck.