I was in such a rush tonight — and it is so very late — that I didn’t copy the snazzy code that tells the titles of each of these pictures, nor links them up on flickr. However, if you are nosy (like me) and interested in the story behind them – they are each on my flickr account and instagram stream. I’m @sprittibee on both flickr and instagram… pretty much everywhere online. Easy peasy to find me.
Speaking of Instagram… you are using the #incourage hashtag on your fave pictures, right? NO? Check out why you should in my Incourage Collage post.
This week is crazy – trying to cram the last bit of school for 2010-11 down my children’s throats… uh, I mean, “finish up school”. Organize my desk and dayplanner. Clean up my procrastination piles before @dazeofadventure arrives. #WOOT Oh, and we have family to see and visit with this weekend… including a sad turn of events in which one of my favorite uncles in childhood passed away suddenly (funeral Saturday).
My note to you – go see your relatives that you care about… or you might end up feeling foolish like me… because it may just end up being too late.
[Stepping off of soap box.]
As for the Texas Two-Step Tweetup, @dazeofadventure and I are hoping to plan a little blogger pal fun in to our photography and conference week. She’s getting a whirlwind tour of Texas wound up in this one week trip. If you are wondering WHY she’s driving all the way from Florida… it is because she and I are taking pictures for THSC’s Woodlands Homeschool Conference together. If you’ll be at the conference and want to meet up, come find us – we won’t be hard to miss… think camera-stuck-to-face.
I thought we might swirl through at least two cities and do a tweet and greet. We will be in Austin, San Antonio and Houston. If you would like to meet up for coffee, let me know. If there is enough interest, we will make a plan of action.
I’ll make some sort of dazzling little graphic and get all official if enough twitter, homeschool, facebook, instagram or conference buddies want to meet up.
The dates are:
San Antonio, Monday next week (lunch time or early afternoon)
Austin, Thursday morning early for breakfast (location already determined)
Houston, Thursday or Saturday next week
Keep us in your prayers as we kick up some dusty trails across this Lone Star State.
Heather!!! It's me, your buddy that has moved from Las Vegas, to WA State, and now back to San Antonio!! Remember me??? Hey, I would love to have coffee with you in SA!! I will email you my phone number. Safe travels. 🙂
Have fun blazing 'round TX you two!
Y'all are going to have so much fun!
Your tour sounds like so much fun! I live in Southeast Texas (about 1 1/2 hours from The Woodlands). I won't be at the conference, but I will be at the Tim Hawkins late show on Saturday. What a blast that should be!!
While you're at the THSC booth, pick up their August issue of the REVIEW magazine and read my article on Page 8!! Have a great time and safe travels!