OK, y’all. Jennifer (my road warrior twin) is on her way to Texas – just a little ways from the border now… and I’m at the edge of my seat trying to secure locations and get the details worked out for our THREE tweet-up locations. I think you are going to love this!
We would love you to join us at any of the following locations if you are a homeschooler, a social media addict, a blogger, or a generally NICE person. No axe murderers or fish slappers allowed.
Next Week’s Texas Three-Step Tweetup Meetup Details…
MONDAY (tomorrow) : San Antonio – Lunchtime, near downtown
TUESDAY : forget it, we are veggin’ out – no driving!
WEDNESDAY : Austin – Lunchtime, near UT
THURSDAY – FRIDAY : Houston, homeschoolers only – THSC Convention!
SATURDAY : Houston – Lunchtime, near Willowbrook Mall
If you are able to meet up with us at any of those locations, let me know! We’re making a list of cell numbers or twitter handles so we an text or tweet and make sure everyone can find each other.
Can’t wait to see y’all!
Can't wait to see you guys in the Houston area!
My Twitter: @loving5kids
Send me a DM! 🙂
Lana @ ilovemy5kids
i'm interesting in coming to the Austin meetup for lunch. I'll send you email.
(used to be My Boaz's Ruth)
*pokes* that was supposed to say MommyLydia
i signed up on your twitter but don't know how to do a tweetup meetup. can you describe it a little more? or link me to a description? still have to decide if i can go on wed. sounds fun. abt. 4 hrs. from here.
on the plus side…one more visit w grandson b/f they head for ukraine next month:)
Would love to meetup in Austin on Wednesday. Can you tell me when and where?
I just learned of your blog from Kim @ InAShoe.com. Nice to meet a fellow Austinite. We live in Taylor.
And My Boaz's Ruth, are you in the Austin area too? I didn't know that! I've read your comments/posts for a long time.
Lastly, Heather, is there not a way to sign up for your blog to get emails using my gmail account?
Lana — WOOT!
My Boaz's Ruth — Yay! Glad to get to see you again. Email me for details about the tweetup so we can let you know where it is!
Is your new name @mommylydia on twitter?
Martha – can you please email me? Look at the contact section on my blog and send me an email or use your email address when you comment so I can respond to your request via email … then I can answer your questions about the tweet up. 🙂
Jasmine – I sent you a message on twitter. Follow me so I can direct message you about details! 😉
Jeri – Cool! Are you able to come to the Tweetup on Wednesday? Please email me if you can't tweet me and let us know so we can send you the details. Or just tell Kim to let me know if you are going to come with her. 🙂 Yay for another Austin mama!
Yep! I'm an Austin gal now (didn't used to be when I started. We moved). But changing my blog name because we are going to have a RL Ruthie in our house soon and my husband asked me to change my blog handle.
OH, I wish I could join the two of you….I bet you're having and will have a ton of fun!!! Be Blessed and be safe!
If only I lived near those areas!! I know you all are going to have an awesome time!
I wish you guys could come to East Texas! When are we having a Southern womens bloggers conference anyway? LOL!