Have you seen the trailer for Dolphin Tales yet? Sally Clarkson’s son is working with the Homeschool Movie Club team as a marketing consultant. His aim is to take light in to a dark industry – and his mama is so proud of him. She is helping him spread the word to homeschoolers about Dolphin Tales. Here’s what Sally had to say about the movie and her son’s job:
“Nathan’s responsibility is to try to get 150,000 homeschoolers to the opening of Dolphin Tale, a movie coming out September 23. If this many attend the opening across the country, then Warner Brothers has promised to invest its money in producing more g-rated, family conservative films. Through this project, the executives were given a presentation of the gospel to help them understand the “mind-set” of Christians across the nation.Nathan and his team prayed about a plan to reach families and help mobilize them as a group so that there would be a conservative voice in hollywood… and God gave them the idea to mobilize the homeschool community. The idea behind this is that homosexuals are just 3% of the population in the United States, and yet they banded together and put such an influential force into Hollywood, that they have homosexuals in every area of influence of the media productions in Hollywood.Nathan’s team discovered that Homeschoolers also make up 3%.They thought, “If we can get homeschoolers out to a movie, to show that they are a market to contend with, maybe Warner Brothers will pay attention and allow us to be a formidable, strong group that could influence the content of what is produced in Hollywood. Warner Brothers agreed to put money behind this idea and came up with this movie – Dolphin Tale – to see if there is really an active market amongst families in America.…The Film Dolphin Tale is a heartwarming, true story based on a book. The producer actually went to a homeschool support group in California to find the actors. Homeschooling is presented in a very positive light in the movie.A Homeschool Curriculum has been produced by Apologia to go along with this movie. It has been viewed and endorsed by many homeschoolers.”
Do you know about the upcoming Homeschool Day for the movie?
We reviewed the movie at the Homeschool Post and I am so excited to see it. I’m hoping that I can get a ticket before they sell out in my area. Either way, I’m thrilled to help support a family friendly movie with such a positive message. Dolphins are amazing – and have such a strong connection with humans. The story behind this movie is truly inspirational. {I love Sally Clarkson, too. Just so you know. And no, she’s not compensating me to say so – or to post about Dolphin Tales!}
What’s really cool about this movie is that the main characters are homeschool kids!
How would you like to talk to one of the movie stars yourself? Have these kids talk to your homeschool kids? If you want to “Meet” the movie stars behind this flick for yourself via a phone call this Friday – enter a comment here and leave a couple of questions that you would ask them if you had their “ear”.
**You can get one extra entry for tweeting or facebooking this contest with the link to this post.**
Leave a separate comment per each entry. Three entries per person total, please. Winner picked Thursday evening by Random.org and notified via email. If you do not respond in a timely manner the next person will be notified as per Random.org. Your phone call will be (on or around – apparently movie stars are busy people…) THIS FRIDAY, September 23rd!
In the mean time – check out these quick You Tube flicks and click the Homeschool Day button to visit their Facebook site and “friend” or “fan” them… and be sure to get your ticket to see the movie on this Friday – September 23rd so we can send a homeschool-style message to Hollywood! We’re used to paying out of pocket for higher morals and better quality in education… let’s show them that it carries over to the entertainment industry as well!
Love this Heather!! Thanks so much for posting this! I didn't know this much about it before, and I am that much more excited to be taking the kids to see the movie on Friday!!
I'd love to take the kids to see this… but I am pretty sure it is not in the budget. Sometimes my parents take the kids to the movies, or we'll have to wait till it comes out on DVD.
Loved the interview with Cozi.
That video clip has my favorite quote from the entire movie! I am so happy I was able to do the review for HSBA Post.
My daughter (5) wants to ask if Winter is still alive? I already told her she is but apparently she doesn't believe me.