I seem to have had a graphics hosting meltdown.
Pardon me while I do some minor construction to the site. I promise that I’ll have it back up and looking pretty as soon as I can.
I might even use this little mishap to end the procrastination over moving to Word Press.
It has been about a year since I started trying…
Good luck with a possible switch. I tried and went back. (.org, not .com)Everything looks fine to me, you must have it fixed. 🙂
Yes – I temporarily fixed it back up, but I'm going to be working a lot harder on the move from here on out…
I say do it! 🙂 You will like WordPress! I'm in the middle of a site mess right now too, but mine is hidden behind a splash screen while I get it straightened out. My new site will be up in less than 2 weeks! I'll have to blow the dust off of everything by the time I get to launch day. 🙂 Enjoy! You will get plenty of help if you end up doing to change over!
Good.. Mice one