Hi, my name is Heather and I have a blog conference addiction. I also have a blog addiction. And a photography addiction. And a baby addiction. I’m pretty OCD all around, actually…
God worked it out again that I could attend the Relevant conference in 2011. I thought there would be no way to top last year (since I not only went, but Chevy leased me a vehicle and my entire family got to travel with me all the way from Austin to PA – with a stop over for a few days in DC so the homeschool kids could “field trip”). [Relevant 2010 was awesome, by the way.] There’s no way to top that, right? That’s what I thought. God had other plans.
I entered the (In)Courage sponsorship contest after all the tickets were sold out and they picked me to be their Dayspring photographer!!! I had a ticket, and no idea how I was going to get there. God wasn’t finished showing off. He brought me Maggie. She and Bright Ideas Press offered to help me get airline tickets to attend the conference! So all that to say – I’m only hotel funds and food expenses away from meeting my Relevant 2011 sponsorship goals and I haven’t even started praying hard about it.
I take that as a “God wants you there” kind of miracle. Have no idea what He has up His sleeve, but I know it will be GOOD.
So here I am, introducing myself to a bunch of invisible blogging friends that I either have met yet – or maybe not… some old, some new – but all SISTERS in this craft and in Christ. I can’t wait to give you an IRL hug when we meet up in Harrisburg. I’ll be the girl that can’t put her camera down… the one who is chasing her tail trying to keep a nursing baby happy, her tweenage daughter fed with snacks, and her heart from bursting with joy at being able to be around her online friends AND take photos at the same time.
About me….
I love my kids: a teen, a tween, a toddler and a tiny 7 month old teething baby.
I’m a crazy homeschool mama.
I’ve been known to say “If I can homeschool, ANYONE can.” That’s just flowery language for my secret blog tagline, which is: “I suck at homeschooling so you don’t have to.”
I live in Texas.
I blog about everything under the sun. From a homeschool mom’s perspective, of course. Which is a very eclectic viewpoint; almost as eclectic as my curriculum. But not quite.
I ponder deep things while juggling the domestic.
I’m the queen of long road trips.
My goal is to try and live in the moment… and to find joy in it.
I come from a long line of black sheep.
I love my iPhone.
I cook gourmet meals (when I feel like it).
I take peekshurs.
I have been blogging (and trapping Google searchers) since 2005 and am pretty much the last ancient dinosaur blog that hasn’t migrated to Word Press where all the cool people are. I threaten to do it a lot, though. Just to keep people on their toes.
I write at the Homeschool Post (which is running its 7th annual blog awards for homeschoolers right now); with another 19 amazing bloggers you might already know:
I don’t use proper grammar. Unless I’m taking a test.
You can find out more about me at these links:
About Me
Homeschool Journey in a Nutshell
So how about you? Where did you surf in from? What’s your blog link? How long have you been blogging? Have you been to any blog conferences yet?
I can’t wait to meet you all!
I have no idea what the conference is about and never thought of going to one. I think it would be fun though. I hope you have a great time and can't wait to hear how you finish up getting what you need covered!
Howdy! I'm surfin' in from East Texas (near Canton – First Monday!!) I've been blogging since 2008ish and have desired to be at Relevant but haven't made it happen yet. I blog over at http://www.thekindlecrew.blogspot.com. I love photography but don't make time to dabble…I love enjoying your pics…one day my season will come. I like to think I'm organized, we live to learn, we love picnics on cool days, I'm learning to choose grace, to love well and to be content in the seasons God has planned for us. Thanks for all you do!
If I can ever manage to make blogging a major hobby again, then I'd like to go to Relevant. Maybe I just need to go and it would inspire me?
Hello! I've been following you for a while…. I love how eclectic you are; in that area we are kindred spirits. I really enjoy the randomness of your posts. As far as organized, I'm hopeless.
I was a homeschooling mommy too, until today. My oldest just went off to his first day of Middle School. (Yikes!) And 2 of my other children will be going off to elementary school tomorrow.
Now with just the toddler at home, MAYBE I can do some more serious blogging. I've been dabbling for about a year now (lizybeth.com)- it's totally addicting! Even if I don't get a post actually written, I'm constantly writing one in my head. 🙂
Nice to formally meet you- online!
Hi there! Fellow homeschool mom from Austin. I used to blog but now I find I'd rather just tweet (@moomookittie) and that's it. I need to keep my brain in my house, with my difficult kids!
How exciting to be going to Relevant again…I promise I'm really really happy for you… not one bit of jealousy here…nope none.
Please move to WordPress. Please. The commenting is so much better.
I surfed in from the Relevant link up. I have not been to any blog conferences before and would never have thought to go to one if I hadn't found out it was ten minutes from my house so I took it as a sign from God. (Pray my husband can cross the river to get back home cause parts of the Harrisburg area are under water right now…) You can click on my name for the link to my blog. I have been blogging there since January but since 2009 on our family web space so just over two and a half years. I have enjoyed reading your but now I am going to go write one of those posts in my head before my kids wake up. They are four, two and a half, and one (next week). I am starting to homeschool them, but like you said I have already been doing that so I got annoyed at my friend who always used to ask when I was going to start….