2 Chronicles 7:14 – “if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.“
Originally, I posted the artwork my son drew of the twin towers in 2006.
It has been FIVE years since then. That’s a long time in blog land. I figure a lot of you haven’t seen them.
Kaden is 14 now. He was just a little tyke when 9/11 happened… it was the week that we started homeschooling. I still remember brushing aside the teacher planner, crayons and stickers and telling the kids they could play in Pawpaw’s game room upstairs while mommy watched the news with Nana and Pawpaw downstairs. I glued myself to the TV, sobbing at the pictures of grown men leaping from skyscraper windows. The whole nation cried together, prayed together – hearts breaking together as one.
People didn’t ever come home that day. People that were someone’s daddy, someone’s mama, someone’s child.
I wanted to share my son’s pictures today again… and to tell all those who are still hurting because this tragedy was not just an event to them, but reality in their own family… that I’m praying for them – we are, as a family – praying for them.
The only thing I have changed on these images is marking out my son’s last name on the first drawing. He drew these without any instruction from me that day – from the scant news that he was able to understand and images he was able to see while not ushered away to a toy room with his sister. He came downstairs to show me these two pictures after he drew them and I was amazed.
Kids are so intuitive and wonderful. You never realize just how MUCH they understand. I didn’t think he was really paying that close of attention. I know we all seemed upset that day (the grown-ups in his life). I know he saw me cry. They know more than we think they do about what is going on around them. They are listening to us and watching us.
May God watch over all of us as we seek to walk in Him. May He protect and return our troops to their families. May He gather the lost and comfort the sick and hurting… and may He heal our land and all the hearts within it that need healing.
Below is a close-up of the words I wrote on the top of his crayon drawing after talking with him about it:
Quick Links:Blog Her entry spotlighting this post in 2006 by Karen Rani
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Awww… I was living with my cousins when 9/11 happened, and I remember when we driving somewhere with my six-year-old cousin in the back about two months later. A plane flew overhead and he said, “Wow, a plane! And nobody died!” It was such a picture of how much things have changed.
Rachel (homeschool graduate and author)
guerrilla radio – please do not post your mean-spirited comics here. It is hard for me to believe you would do that on a day when all of the loved ones of those lost in the 9/11 attacks are mourning. I have very close Italian friends that I love like family… and it makes me sad to see that you are from Italy and yet are so rude.
Hey! Thanks for all those links and comments! Glad to see your computer is up and running again.
We were traveling and my kids were keeping a “journey journal” where they would draw a picture and write about what was happening. Their pictures were bright and colorful until they drew about that day. It was mostly plain pencil.
You are welcome Gena! I’ll have to stop by and see what you thought of those photos.
KarenW – It is so sad (in this case), yet amazing how children are so intuitive.
I have chills. Our children didn't see what was happening, but they experienced it because we were living on a military base. The base was locked down and we could hear jets flying overhead.
In a way I am thankful they don't remember, but in a way I wish they did.
My oldest was only one at the time, so she doesn't remember. In fact, if you asked them, none of them would know what you're talking about – I feel like they should know, and at the same time, like at this age, they shouldn't know? You know? I don't know how/when I'll sit down and tell them all about it.
Great post~