1. Heavy cloud. No rain. ~ Sting #austin #pray4rain #Texas, 2. Painting in Orthodontist office – love the colors., 3. It feels like it has not rained in cat-years. #texas #austin #rain, 4. Just out of reach. #austin #sunset, 5. Oldest/Youngest #incourage, 6. Marshie n Me #incourage #love, 7. Procrastinator Planner for my niece and me. #incourage, 8. Three generations of cotton tops. #incourage, 9. Book buying feet., 10. on the Laptop #incourage, 11. Carrot Cake with home made orange cream cheese icing for grandma (who is NOT 30) #incourage, 12. The Lunch Room Gang #incourage #love, 13. What Fire Leaves Behind #TXfire #Texas #hwy29 #hillcountry, 14. Jason’s Deli Club Salad #love #incourage, 15. Rain!!! #incourage #love #texas
What??? It’s December Already? I stopped by at the Post and the December desktop wallpaper just went up!
Seems like every time I blink, another month has gone by.
We have been absorbed by homeschool, conferences, orthodontist and oral surgery visits, illness, projects, and just plain LIFE. While we were busy, somehow the Christmas holidays seemed to sneak up on my calendar and are now precariously close.
How about a quick trip down memory lane with some iPhone pictures? I can’t seem to find the time to get the big camera out.
Note how big the baby is getting… the sweet photo of Marshie and me at her house when she stopped in to visit the states… and notice the drought and rain depicted in the pictures. It has been the worst drought in Texas history this past year, and every drop of precious rain gives call for a celebration. It has not been uncommon to see signs on fences with a plea for Texans to pray for rain. The farmers and ranchers here have had to sell livestock, struggle for feed and hay, and are suffering great losses.
I know how it feels to go through a dry spell. I’ve been in one – a general one that spans all sorts of different aspects of my life. It hasn’t been pretty. It hasn’t been fun. The physical, Texas drought has been like a reminder that I need to be praying for rain. For physical rain, yes – but for spiritual rain, too. Not only praying for rain, but trusting that He will bring times of refreshing.
I’ve heard it said that a Christian should pray for rain and then carry an umbrella. Expect results. PUSH: pray until something happens.
I believe it. I don’t mind that my prayer journal sounds much like a broken record. I’m counting on God to either change my circumstance or change me. Or give me the stamina to keep trusting, keep doing good – NOT GROW WEARY.
And every now and then, there’s a little ‘gulley washer’ – one of those ten minute storms; a glimmer of what it feels like to have prayers answered. Beads of sweet, glittering water on the windshield – streaming like arms lifted to the sky. I’m so thankful for the reminder of what the rain feels like.
Texas and I are drinking it in. Waiting on Him for more.
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I am so glad y'all came to visit! I wish it could have been for longer. *sigh* Wanna come to Guam? 🙂
I sooo needed to read this post this morning! I love PUSH, I've never heard of it before but I love it! Thank being for reminding me what I need to be doing today.