Today is the last day in Texas to vote early. You better believe I’ll be there this afternoon. That means before I pick my husband up, I have to…
::have the laundry done::
::clean the house::
::pay the bills::
::homeschool the kids::
::help son find his book reports (oy!)::
::change the diapers, bathe the babies and dress them::
::pack the kids’ suitcases so they can go see grandma::
::buy a graduation gift::
::make lunch & clean up the mess::
::find out why my driving record never came & drop off my certificate at court::
::file the paperwork on my desk::
::record the grades and completed work in Homeschool Tracker for this week::
::take daughter’s computer to Best Buy to see if they can fix it::
What’cha wanna bet that the entire list won’t get checked off? I’m going to need to prioritize. This is an example of what all my days look like – #harried!
Thankfully, I have the peace and joy of the Lord in the midst of my chaos. I was just nursing the baby, smelling and chewing on his tiny foot (a fetish of mine), and thinking of how wonderful it was to have these little people in my life.
While I’m checking my list off, head over to the Homeschool Post and see what the rest of my fellow author friends have been posting about this past week. If you were going to bookmark a site, I would highly suggest bookmarking the Homeschool Post. I heart the team of talented authors and highly recommend the great content streaming from Normally, when I’m really quiet over here, I’m still working behind the scenes over there to keep things fresh and make sure the Homeschool Blog Awards happens every year.
I’ve also been working on getting this blog re-designed and moving to WordPress. It has been a project on the “back burner” for some time. I have a few sweet friends that are helping me free of charge, so I’m tagging along on their “when I get time” list. I hear that it may happen soon… so you might just surf in one day and not recognize the place. Be sure and set your bookmarks to – because the old Blogger blog will be going away forever. After seven years here! June 8th is my SEVEN year blogiversary.
Of course, you can also find me piddling with my iPhone camera at Instagram (I’m Sprittibee there, too). I like to fall asleep after uploading the day’s photo goodness and scrolling through my feed to see what all my iPhone-addicted friends are shooting at.
What do you have going on for this busy Friday?
Oh your day is going to be a productive one! I will check that site out in more depth ๐ I always enjoy your tweets and your blog. Sorry for not commenting before ๐ I decided it was time to come out of lurkville ๐
I pray you are continually blessed and thank you for taking the time to push for a change in our gov't!!! Keep up the good work!
ps, I made the switch from blogger ( I used to be a christian mom on blogger) to wordpress. I like it a lot better ๐
You are certainly a busy lady! I'm too under the weather to be that busy of a bee. And it may be the very reason why I am not getting your Ron Paul sign-the whole yin/yang thing?
Does that mean he is both good and bad? Sorry. I'm not being at all sarcastic here, just trying to figure it out!
I won't fill up your comment space with details about my busy Friday.. although I will say the best part of Friday for me was coming home to my wonderful kids!
What I really wanted to say to you though is that I found your blog through an old blog post from 2010 on blogher and I followed you here… (kind of stalker like, I suppose… haha) and read your bio information and laughed several times. Love your sense of humor and sarcasm. Thank you for those laughs by the way! ๐
Wow Heather! Your day looked like mine! I think I finally sat down last night – in the tub – about 11:00pm!
Hoping today will be a little more laid back:)
Have a great day (oh, and I did early vote yesterday – also in Texas)
Woot! Ron Paul!
Hey, Spritti, just to let you know, your blog was automatically re-directed in my blog reader! Very cool-and I love this new look:)