It’s been a while since I shared a random list. Or reviewed my to-do list. Or ate six chocolate chip cookies. No, wait, I just ate six chocolate chip cookies a minute ago. Now, where did I put that glass of milk?
bills and checkbook
budget for trip in June / email
contact for lease / pray hard
menu / groceries
thank you card for Pop – who paid for my break job (I heart him.)
plans for the weekend finalized
unpack / laundry
homeschool assignment lists for the week
‘heart over mind’ – part 10 of “accidental unschooling” series
back up photos
edit bluebonnet pix / review bluebonnet book
draft week’s posts for Homeschool Post
music sync on iPhone
plant the rosemary bush
call for permissions {slideshow of photos for church}
bible study started Monday
order photos for frame / upload train picture for sale
kids rooms clean
call realtor
Art class Friday
Boy’s Club Tuesday
Find out when Teen Court is… (possibly Monday night)
final export for church directory photos / high-res download Wednesday night at church
finish driver’s ed
clean out refrigerator, book cases, and filing cabinets
exercise, drink water, read, and make art – at least twice this week
How’s that for a crazy busy list for a woman who lives in a zoo (not a shoe)? It’s a wonder I have any hair that isn’t grey yet.
And doesn’t it bother you that you can spell grey with an A or an E? I mean, what’s up with that?!
I just got back from a weekend in Houston with the in-laws, where I tried to watch enough television and take enough naps to last me the rest of the summer. We don’t get regular TV, so I stock up on liberal media spin, crime shows, “Auction Hunters”, and HGTV while I’m there. The rest of the year, we get streaming Netflix through our Wii (and any other device that will play Netflix) for the kids. Ok, maybe not just for the kids – we also do a family-inclusive, once-a-week movie-night. Those are my favorites because we fix something really EASY for dinner or order pizza.
Last week I was interrupted in the middle of my “Accidental Unschooling” homeschool post series by some actual “Accidental Unschooling”… and some accidents caused by failure to potty train.
He’s 3. Diapers cost a fortune. There are two of them, y’all. My checkbook needs a break.
At least there is Red Velvet Cake Blue Bell Ice cream for the interruptions in life that you need rewards for. I’d say cleaning up poop off of the carpet and having your three year old finally get over his fear of the big-boy-potty earns us some ice cream breaks. If we could get out from under the cost of at least one box of diapers every two weeks… well, that would buy a lot of ice cream. Or gasoline, more likely.
The one year old is still a bit young for potty training, so we’re not out of the $$woods$$ just yet.
My kids have been doing a lot of interesting things lately. My 13 yo daughter went to camp for her first time this past weekend and managed to come home in one piece. Both of them gave oral presentations at enrichment club and made new friends last Friday. Morgan read her Hunger Games report and answered questions for the group, getting over her fear of speaking in public. Kaden talked about his flip book that he’s creating and has been working on editing it so he can have a publisher review it. They both have been drawing a lot. That, and we’ve been working steadily towards “catching up” in history and math. Mom’s lesson plans are slowly getting checked off… in-between our bouts of “unschooling”.
In addition to all our busyness, there are a few rather large things looming on the horizon for us… which include a possible move if we are able to sell our house – huge life change, I know… and a possible family trip in June out of state if we are able to get all our ducks in a row.
We hopefully hope but do not hopefully know if our dreams of country living are near or far. Lots of dreaming and scheming in the background is taking place.
Of course, the trip to Colorado – yes, I did say Colorado – is probably more doable than the move to the country right now. Not that we have the money for either… but I’m going to be working with an awesome company that will be sponsoring most of the trip if I can get the travel funds together to make it happen. I’m praying the Lord provides the increase – and that we can set off to the mountains and have another ultimate field trip adventure next month.
I’ll be posting about the trip as soon as I can get a realistic budget together.
And as for the “Accidental Unschooling” series? Part 10 of 10 is going up early this week! Watch for it!
In the mean time… go see if you can win a premium copy of one of the best Bible apps in the world – over at the Homeschool Post! I reviewed 23 different educational apps over there this weekend. The give away ends Thursday night at midnight!
Have a super homeschool week – and may you be blessed.
oh, girl… i remember two in diapers at the same time. brought me to tears with our 'ministry' salary at the time. no matter what i tried, they were both ready at 3 1/2. i wasn't beyond bribing either. 😉 yay for catching up on rest… and a lil' hgtv! 🙂