I know that Mother’s Day is tomorrow, and that this video is telling you to get your cards in the mail… but my crazy life prevented me from warning you on time. You can hear the chaos in the background. Just listen for the gleefully mischevious toddler and the little “not-happy-unless-I’m-in-mom’s-arms” baby. Don’t make fun of me for my first vlog attempt, please. I know I look and sound ridiculous on video.
I thought I would share my crazy kids with you for mother’s day – and show you the kind of amazing teenage ‘tude I’m dealin’ with on a regular basis. #pray4me
I so enjoyed meeting up with Hallmark a few weeks ago (I’m a greeting card fanatic). They asked us to send them some quotes and photos before we went, and here’s the little slideshow they made for us with them:
The meet-up was part of an effort to get the message out about their “Tell Me” campaign. They shared their newest commercial with us (and made sure we were supplied with a box of tissue on every table).
My buddy Bon who blogs at Math Four and the Homeschool Post drove up from Houston to attend the event with me. Here’s a snapshot that their prop photographer took of us while we were busy doing fun exercises with index cards – coming up with captions for greeting cards with the silly photos they brought along.
What are you doing this weekend to celebrate? I’ve been traveling out of town with two of my kiddos to a homeschool convention in Arlington, Texas and I’m on the way back home to see my mama tonight. She’s an amazing lady. I don’t know what I’d do without her in my life.
Don’t let mother’s day pass by without letting someone motherly know how much you appreciate them. Don’t have a mama figure? Tell a good friend who you think is a great mom!
Then, don’t stop there… think of all the people you love and appreciate all year long and tell them you appreciate them ANY DAY, EVERY DAY. The best greeting cards are sent “for no reason at all” except that you care.
P.S. For those of you who read here regularly, I’m throwing in a little give-away with this post – courtesy of Hallmark. It’s a secret as to what the loot will be, but if you leave a comment below and tell me about your mom-figure you would like to honor this mother’s day, you’ll be entered to win!
Disclosure: Hallmark gave me a ton of cute, glittery, fun greeting cards and some books and a teddy bear, they bought us breakfast and showed us how they do their prop photography (amazing!) – and they were so fun to visit with. I already loved them before they contacted me, so it didn’t matter that they gave me cool swag. I would have talked positively about them anyway. So get out there and send some greeting cards already! Snail mail is way better for saying ‘I love you’ than an email or tweet.
oh. my. gawsh. i miss those kids even more now! #mustcome2texas #soon
and re: morgan…. i am totally speechless. lol
Hi Heather, Happy MOther's Day!
You have an absolutely adorable family – yes, even the "teen 'tude" is adorable (since they are yours and not mine, lol)
Mother's Day brings mixed feelings for me each year – I miss my own mother, she's been gone 8 years now. And I'm humbled by my family as they shower me with extra attention I really don't deserve, as I take time to remind them that I'm their MOM FOR LIFE, not matter how old they get!
The most inspiring Moms to me these days are some young moms, just starting out, working hard to be the best moms they can be, honoring God in their families.
I have a Mom Figure that I would like to honor. She has walked with me through one of the most difficult periods of my life. She lives in Ohio where I'm from, and she used to meet with me periodically to talk with me and listen to me. Her name is Kathy Wysong. I asked her to be my mentor, but she said that I was doing something she had never done before – living totally by faith – so she didn't feel qualified. But she did meet with me and listen and support me in our radical lifestyle of homeschooling and giving our lives completely to whatever the Lord told us to do. As time went on, our family left Ohio and started a Journey of Fire. Throughout our years of trials and searching, Kathy called me, sent me boxes of books and prayed for us. She called at some very pivotal times in the process, and I knew that God was speaking through her and letting me know that He hadn't forgotten us. I get to stay in touch with her through Facebook now, and we don't communicate a lot, but when we do, she always makes me feel very loved and special.