I’ve done the Beth Moore ‘Breaking Free’ Bible study three times. I loved it every time, and it rocked my world… “blessed my socks off”. It was life changing. It was a decade ago.
I felt like it was time to hit the books again. Just as I was about to buy the study, I noticed that there was a NEW UPDATED version of ‘Breaking Free’. #woohoo!
So I started a little study in my local area – and even though there have only been three of us so far, I’m determined to stay the course. I’ll do it all by myself if I have to. It is THAT good. HE is THAT GOOD – worth CHASING AFTER.
This time, my teens are doing the study with me. It is rocking their world, too. I had hoped that it would. I can’t wait to see the fruit that comes out of this study in our family – our lives – their lives. #chills
Do you have access to the videos for this study? Maybe your church library has a copy you can borrow? I’ll be reviewing the first week all week, and doubling up on my homework this week to get through to week 3 by next Monday. Packing and new carpet have cramped my style… but I’m no quitter.
{Join me if you can! I’d love to compare notes!}
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Disclosure: This was not a sponsored post, I didn’t get anything free, and I really do adore Beth Moore with all my heart. If you haven’t done one of her studies, you are truly missing out on a close encounter of the Jesus kind. I’m convinced she has Him on speed dial. I can’t get through ONE single video of hers without needing to reapply my mascara.
what a great idea to do this with your kids. maybe it’s exactly what i need. i did this study a long time ago. i’ll see what i can find! xo
Yeah, I don’t know why I didn’t think of doing this sooner. Beth is so on fire for Jesus, and I can tell my daughter really likes her. It is sometimes easier to accept lessons when they aren’t from mama.
I REALLY think I need to go through this book/study.I will check our local Christian bookstore for the videos. Do I need both the book& video?
I would highly suggest using the videos and having your own book to write in. They are pricey, though. The leader kit comes with a book and the videos and it is like $249. The books are about 18$. If you can rent or borrow the leader kit and buy just the book, that’s the way to go. I did that this time. I own one of her studies – “When Good People Do Bad Things” or something like that. I’ll probably do that study next.