I don’t like politics. I don’t like people exploiting other people for political gain, or people being corrupted by bribery so that their original morality is tainted by greed, or people hating each other because they don’t see eye to eye. I don’t like the spin that the media and political parties put on every issue – so that it becomes a splinter in the finger of friendships and brotherhood. I’m a lover of people – and a lover of unity – and a lover of Jesus. I don’t see color, and I don’t see people who are different as my enemy.
I read between the lines. I see the threads unraveling in this country. The threads of hate and racism. The threads of fear and growing distrust of our government … a power that seems unable to stop – running amok – out of control.
And it isn’t just me. I believe that all of us – “red and yellow, black and white” – are seeing the decline of our country. All of us see that freedoms are being lost.
America is off track.
“All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.” – Edmund Burke
So I took up my typewriter… just as the fathers of this nation took up their feather pens. I wrote my opinion of the latest stab at our liberties and sent it to Congress.
I would hope that all of us would take time to do the same. Even if we are busy. Even if we are distracted. Because the future of our country is what our children will inherit – for better or worse. Let us not spare our words when they might stem the tide of a future violent end. Let us stand now between tyranny and oppression before a last stand might be necessary.
John Adams, written to his wife, Abigail on July 7, 1775…
Your description of the distresses of the worthy inhabitants of Boston, and the other sea port towns, is enough to melt a heart of stone. Our consolation must be this, my dear, that cities may be rebuilt, and a people reduced to poverty, may acquire fresh property: but a constitution of government once changed from freedom, can never be restored. Liberty once lost is lost forever. When the people once surrender their share in the legislature, and their right of defending the limitations upon thegovernment, and of resisting every encroachment upon them, they can never regain it…
Exactly 237 years later, My Open Letter to Congress on ObamaCare:
Dear Representative,
That scene in the John Adams mini-series is what I was thinking of – TAR AND FEATHERS – when i heard that the Supreme Court of this land did not strike down this overreaching intrusion in to my pocketbook, my privacy, and my freedoms as an American. Our founding fathers went to war for less than what our current administration and congress are enacting upon us right now.
Every day more and more lies become evident as we find out what Pelosi so wisely wanted to keep hidden in the zillion page government take-over of our economy. And while we were fuming over the court ruling over ObamaCare, Congress passed yet another spending bill under the radar – another omnibus stimulus package (as if more taxes will ever help our already depressed economy). I was shocked to find that only 21% of the Republicans who were supposed to be supporting conservative platform promises voted against it!!!
Make no mistake; we may be busy – us middle class folk who are paying the taxes to keep this ship from sinking – but we are watching you all up there. We know where you stand because your voting records show you for what you really are. We’re tired of seeing videos of you clicking the buzzers for each other when you really aren’t in your seats (don’t we pay you enough to be engaged in safeguarding our freedoms?). We’re tired of the completely unrelated pork and earmarks shoved down our throats because you know your sorry laws and taxes can’t get passed any other way. We’re tired of you enacting more laws on us when you exempt yourselves. You are sadly mistaken if you think that the lack of response on fax, email, and phone is a sign that we don’t care. We’re busy making the money you are stealing!
We do not want ObamaCare. REPEAL IT.
We want positive healthcare reform that is truly about reforming the system so that it is better for the PEOPLE WHO USE IT. We don’t need extra taxes, more bureaucracy, bigger government, intrusions in to what little privacy we have left. We don’t want to pay for ABORTION. We don’t want you meddling with our health care when our economy is in a depression and we owe more money to China than our grandchildren could ever pay off!
We don’t want government-run healthcare. The end.
We will oppose this legislation and vote out any legislator who votes to retain ObamaCare – no matter how ‘Republican’ or how ‘Democrat’.
You wonder why there’s a Tea Party, a Constitution Party, a Libertarian Party and all the other new kids on the political block? It is because you guys are NOT KEEPING PROMISES, IGNORING THE POLLS and EXEMPTING YOURSELVES. {Hello? Most Americans are against abortion and do not like Obamacare – have you not been paying attention? The only reason Planned Parenthood survives is because the government keeps bailing it out with our tax dollars!}
We are tired of the corruption, lies, economically damaging policy and lost freedoms.
Enough is enough already!!!
What can you do to stop this grab of your wallet, your future, your freedoms?
The House has scheduled an emergency vote to repeal ObamaCare for NEXT WEDNESDAY, July 11.
ObamaCare is now the largest funding of abortion in history – contrary to what the Obama/Reid/Pelosi machine promised. The law directly mandates American citizens to participate in funding abortion and collides with the rights of conscience and religious freedom, trampling on our constitutionally-protected liberties.
Further, ObamaCare also contains over 20 tax increases and has been proclaimed to be a tax by the Supreme Court. Liberal progressives could have never passed ObamaCare if it had been advertised a tax-based law!
~ Liberty Counsel
Spend close to a dollar a fax and flood your senators and house members with your opinions and outrage.
Twenty bucks to oppose this disastrous law? Or the largest tax increase this nation has ever seen? What will it be?
{“God shed his grace on thee…”}
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Credits: Photo by www.someecards.com.
The time for non-involvement has long passed. If we don’t speak out, our liberties will be forever lost. I fear it is already too late. Voting is no longer enough. We must pray, donate to good candidates (yes, part with your money if you are serious), volunteer to walk precincts in the upcoming election, get people to the polls, and vote. We can no longer afford to be too busy, or to stand on the statement, “I’m not political”. As citizens, we have a responsibility to be involved, and as Christians, we have a responsibility to be salt and light in our culture. That means having a strong hand in getting good people elected, and holding errant ones accountable.
Thank you for your letter. Thank you for speaking out, and seeing the urgency of our situation. Imagine what would happen if everyone who reads this blog would act, and stay engaged.
I am sharing this liberally. Thank you for taking the time to write something so thoughtful and passionate. This is a time to be greatly afraid — but not paralyzed by that fear, but ANGRY!
Thank you for taking the time to write this. It’s excellent! I will send some faxes! Thanks!
Way to go, Heather! I could not agree more. Your letter was well written, and I applaud your courage. It isn’t easy to post this kind of thing on a personal blog that invites so many readers into your life & family. Especially when it seems that people who disagree with our values tend to do so quite vehemently.
I love your blog. I don’t love this post. As someone who will be as good as dead if I get sick and the insurance company is allowed to drop me for pre-existing conditions, I live my life in fear of any ache, pain, or sneeze. I hear that people don’t like Obamacare, I even understand the reasons. But no one has come up with anything better. No one is covering people with family illnesses. We are just left to die. If you want Obamacare repealed…. fine, but I sure hope someone looks out for people like me because I sure would like to live to see my grandkids…. a luxury Obama’s mother did not have.
Love your post, Heather. You seem to understand the facts so much better than I do. I shared.
Andrea : with Obamacare, doctors will go out of business, the government will be able to tell you what you can and can’t have medical care for, there will be still 23 million or more people uninsured. Not only that, but our country can not afford all the new jobs this bill is creating – hundreds of thousands of IRS tax jobs and lawyers – this law is bad for America. People in Canada come here because they can’t get good health care there – because they already tried socialist medicine and it has failed them. The waiting lists alone should scare you to death. I know about being uninsured. We went without health care for 2 years once, and my mother is diabetic. I feel your pain. I want health care reform, but I want it to be APART from the US bankrupt, corrupt, BIG BROTHER government.
Amen, Heather! Posted to FB. (where’s my feather & ink?!)
Thank you, Heather, for posting this thoughtful argument. This only increases my conviction to pray for and speak life into our government and representatives. Our focus should not be on clawing and tearing at our representatives; attacking their character and complaining endlessly about policies over cups of coffee in living rooms; but in standing up boldly, shedding light on things that are hidden, and demanding better. Attacks on the government are fruitless. The search for truth and the seeking of wisdom in those who govern us is. In America we often take our freedom for granted. We use it to simply speak out against those in power, tearing down with words and removing our loyalty from them (after all, didn’t Jesus order Peter to pay the temple tax to the government that was going to kill him?). We often fail to use our freedom as our forefathers meant it to be used. We can stand up for constitutional justice while still living by this verse:
“Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God.” -Romans 13:1-3
“They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.” – Benjamin Franklin
A wise and frugal government which shall restrain men from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government. – Thomas Jefferson (1801)