We started out with some school today and then got the call that Lowe’s was sending over some carpet installers on the 4th of July to make it up to us for being a little late getting the carpet in their warehouse. We have house guests coming this weekend and Saturday was a no-go, so they offered to give up their 4th of July fun to come stretch our new rug!
The chaos started as soon as the phone call ended. {The toddler and baby didn’t seem to notice how stressed out we got; they emptied the toy box and pulled all the pillows off the couch while we cleaned.}
“Quick, get the laundry pile folded so there will be a clean bedroom floor to re-carpet!”
“Honey, do you think you can unscrew those cabinets from the wall in the dining room for me before tomorrow at 8am?”
Thankfully, he has tomorrow off, so he’ll be here to move furniture from room to room as the Lowe’s crew works.
The sinking feeling that set in as I realized it would probably take ALL DAY to finish my son’s closet and room. We had done everyone else’s bedroom closets and boxed at least three full book cases and moved them to the garage in the past weeks,… but it was still knee deep in there. We started after lunch (just after cleaning up the broken glass and soy dressing that crashed to the floor when the refrigerator door shelf fell). It took us until just shy of midnight to resurface.
TWELVE HOURS of digging, sorting, tossing, boxing, hanging, organizing, purging, filing, stacking, cleaning, and folding. I’m not sure if he’s ever cleaned under his bed in the five years since we have lived in this house.
We started out with a closet you could not step one foot in… and ended up with this:
Just in time for the new carpet to get laid. And the home buyers to see (thinking positive thoughts and trying not to be jealous that we can’t just stay here and enjoy the carpet ourselves).
Oh, well…
At least we can enjoy it while we are here! As long as we can keep the lipstick, sharpie markers, art supplies and tippy cups OUT OF REACH for our demolition crew (the two little monsters who live here).
I’m pretty sure tomorrow is going to be a wild adventure for those two little boys… who are very used to being able to roll around on the floor.
Can’t wait to see what the house will look like all dressed up for new owners! The only thing we are lacking now is a can of pre-mixed Sherwin Williams off-white to go over some of the walls that haven’t been painted by us since we’ve been here. But that’s another story for another day.
Right now I have to get in bed and catch a few hours of shut eye before the carpet dudes ring the door bell at 8AM.
{This home-selling stuff is hard work!}
I have seen the amount of work that needs to be done to sell a house, and I have resolved to live in our current home FOREVER! I hope it goes well for you and that you sell quickly. Blessings!