I told you this summer that we started doing Beth Moore’s Breaking Free (the Updated/Revised version). Well, we have been taking our time — the homework is intense — and are still moving along in it. I thought this was the best idea because of our heavy homework load, our family’s busy lifestyle, and the fact that this is a DEEP and PROFOUND study for my teenagers to be “digesting”. I wouldn’t want to rush the meaty truths of God sinking in their hearts and minds.
I found another blogger with answers to the videos for those that watch them and just forget to write down some of Beth’s underlined words. Very helpful when you feel like you don’t really need to – or can’t – watch them again, but want to fill in the blanks. Instead of feeling like the study is unfinished, you can cheat off of Sally Loftis‘ answers.
I love the nuggets of wisdom and truth you find in a Beth Moore study. I love how sold out she is for the Lord.
Here are a few quotes from my reading today that I wanted to share:
“We tend to run to God for temporary relief. God is looking for people who will walk with Him in steadfast belief.”
“God is willing and completely able.” (in reference to Mark 9, the father’s unbelief – there is no IF He can, or IF He is willing, the only IF is our shaky faith in trust in that He is who He says He is)
“Right answers don’t help much with a wavering heart.” (you can say all the right things and still be in bondage)
“Belief and faith are the same concept.”
“Eternity can be secured while life on earth remains shaky at best.” (we can believe that God can save us and not trust Him to be there and lead us/provide for us/answer prayers daily in our physical lives)
“If the king found the path unprepared, he’d bypass the village and withhold his blessing.” (this was the custom in ancient times – Isaiah 57:14 talks of removing the obstacles in the path of God’s people)
Isaiah 57: 14 ~ “Remove the obstacles out of the way of my people…”
Listing the obstacles that you battle in an effort to live the liberated and abundant life in Christ is an eye-opening exercise. What holds you back? What do you struggle with? My list is ugly: sin, unbelief, fear for punishment of past sins, anger, prayerlessness, wrong priorities, guilt, poor stewardship, unforgiveness…
Beth repeats this truth throughout the study:
“A Christian is held captive by anything that hinders the abundant and effective Spirit-filled life God planned for her.”
If you aren’t flying High with God – completely satisfied with your relationship with Him – and trusting Him no matter your circumstance, I highly suggest this Bible study. There’s no reason for His people to forfeit the abundant life of peace and certainty He has for all who trust Him.
{ May we have eyes to SEE His GLORY. }
Thanks- I will pass on that info to some friends of mine who are starting up “Breaking Free”. They’d love the cheat notes.
I can’t wait to join in on that particular study (I just finished up an older one- The Patriarchs- not so long ago). I love all of Beth Moore studies! Love that your teenagers are plugging in with you.
I just wrote my last 2 posts on Christian apathy – it’s an epidemic!