Things tend to pile up on a homeschooling mother.
Like kids.
And laundry.
And messes.
And blog posts that were born in the dark recesses of her mind while she was taking a ten minute hot shower and utilizing the only free moment of her day she isn’t doing something for a busy little person – or a busy biggish person.
I’ve always been a list maker, and lately that’s about as much personal blogging as I can find time for… so I thought I would share a little-ish list and tell you a few important things in the process.
Important Things List
1. The Homeschool Blog Awards have started! Go nominate your favorite blogs!
2. Not all toilet paper brands are equal. FYI.
3. Today is the last day to register to vote in Texas. You might want to dig out that voter registration card and make sure it isn’t expired. This election is a wee bit important.
4. My inlaws are coming this weekend.
5. I made Chicken Tikka Masala for dinner tonight. It wasn’t exactly like the food we get at the Indian restaurant in town, but it tasted close – and it sure beats paying a 50$ tab for our large family to eat out there. The baby called it soup and actually ate it! The three year old screamed like someone had stuck him with a fork when we tried to put it on his plate. He called it poo-poo chicken. To each his own.
One day soon, I’ll have time to blog a little. Until then, enjoy these disjointed little notes and imagine that we are enjoying a nice cup of Persian orange blossom tea together. And imagine that I had a front porch for us to do that on… and that the cold front we had this weekend wasn’t gone already… leaving me with nearly 89 degree weather this week.
While you are at it, imagine that I already checked off my to do list, the kids finished all their homework on time this week, the laundry folded itself (AND PUT ITSELF AWAY – including the sock pile that no one wants to take the time to match up), and the house was already clean and ready for my husband’s parents Saturday. Couldn’t hurt.
{Blowing you warm Texas kisses.}
Love you bunches! Totally understand the Toilet Paper sentiment. 😉
I can’t stand lists but they seem to just keep happening. Good luck with your wish list…I have one very similar to yours 😉
I under stand the toilet paper deal. Also, sometimes list are what keeps us in order. smile.
Heather do you have a link to the actual nomination form? It’s not that easy to find on the nomination page. Thanks.