There’s a lot of buzz going on… the public is ready to let their voices be heard! I’ve been trying to get ready to vote. Twice!
No, no, not in the same election. Once in the American political elections and once in the Homeschool Post’s 8th Annual Blog Awards.
I’m on the team in charge of making sure the polls get ready over there so YOU can vote on your favorite homeschool bloggers.
I wrote a post about Jane Austen today at the Homeschool Post.
And I whined about not being at the Allume Social Media conference (which is going on this weekend… apparently without me!).
Let’s see… what else have I been up to? Well, I carted my kids to classes today, had a date night with their daddy, and ate the best lean cut briskett in the world. Rudy’s BBQ rocks. I’d certainly vote for them in the best meat category. That’s 3 votes and counting…
{What and who are you voting for?}
They are building a Rudy’s near us and I’m looking forward to that! 🙂
Where are you again? I like Salt Lick’s sauce best, but Rudy’s has the best lean cut beef. It was crumbly and burned to perfection on the crust… and salty/smoky. They claim to have the best breakfast tacos, too – but J & J’s BBQ and Catering in Cedar Park has them beat. We like Smoky Mo’s also, and Bill Miller isn’t bad, either. All those places have great sweet tea, too.