I didn’t even know what day it was when I started this post. I had to look at the calendar on the computer. This entire week literally vanished into a pill bottle – like I Dream of Genie, only without the sparkle and thrill.
It was Christmas Eve, and all through the house… each of my family members were dropping like flies with the flu, starting with the fifteen year old. Then the one year old. Then the thirteen year old. Then me.
By Christmas morning, I had barely had a wink of sleep and I was pretty sure that Santa’s reindeer had pranced on my head all night. The three year old had a fever. The only one who wasn’t sick was Daddy… and he had to stick around in Houston anyway, to pick up his truck from the shop where it was being worked on. We stuffed our gifts in a sack (unopened) and headed home for the comfort of our own beds.
Along the way, I stopped in at Luby’s (Lord bless them for being open on Christmas – I take back any grumbling I ever have grumbled about how everyone should shut down and enjoy the holiday)… and then we slept – in between doses of natural cough syrup, decongestant, and alternating Tylenol and ibuprofen.
Wet rags cooling foreheads. Chills and fevers for all.
Not exactly the ideal Christmas break, but we certainly were glad to not have too much homework to tackle in the midst of all the rib-splitting coughs and body aches.
And I turned 40. And we got home Wednesday and I never finished unloading my car. And my house looks like a war zone.
I should have asked for a maid for Christmas.
I can say for certain that among the many things I got this year that weren’t on my list, the flu tops them all as a VERY unwanted gift.
This whole week disappeared in the blink of an eye. I’m just thankful we are all on the mend finally… and sorry that my poor husband is just now starting his week of flu-time “fun”.
{ Thankful for returning health – and that this was my first flu in 15 years. }
I am so sorry. That’s aweful. My husband and my daughter both had the flu on Christmas last year. Hope you’re all feeling better!
Thanks! I am really glad that everyone is pulling through – it was my 1 year old’s first flu, too… and although the flu stinks, I’m very glad his first time is over and he’s ok. Now if we could all just get rid of the sinus pressure and coughs…
Thanks Barbie!
One Christmas (before we were married) I got really sick during Husband’s family dinner. I slept in his aunt’s bed all evening.
This gave him the opportunity to tell them all that he was going to propose on New Year’s Eve.
Bottom line – sometimes Christmas sicknesses are prepping you for New Year’s greatness. Hang in there!
That must mean that 2013 is going to include a fun Bon & Bloggy weekend!