My new FitBit is a permanent appendage. He’s been tracking my steps, calories burned, and distance covered since I got him last week. He links up to my My Fitness Pal app/website and automatically updates my activity level there. Unfortunately, there’s no lying with FitBit. He decreases your calories that you can eat for the day in your My Fitness Pal if you aren’t active enough.
Since January 1, I have lost nearly 6 pounds. Over the past two days, I’ve been inching back up to 5 pounds lost, but I know why – and my “Aunt” couldn’t have come to visit at a worst time. I’m just days away from the weigh in for the Run Your A$$ Off Challenge (we have to do our final weigh in on Tuesday). My goal was 144. I’m at 144.8 today… and looking forward to retaining water for at least four or five days. That makes me grumpy.
So I had cookies for breakfast today. Shhhh! No worries. I’ll get back on track for lunch. I’ve got home made broth in the refrigerator already made and am planning on whipping up a portabello mushroom soup. I also have deer meat already cooked, and I am going to prepare a lasagna for the family for dinner. I can’t eat noodles and cheese, so I’ll probably have seconds of soup instead.
A huge plus to this Fed Up 2 Fit Challenge is that my kids are getting in on it. That was my ultimate goal. Both my teens have enjoyed walking, jogging, and doing video exercise routines with me. My daughter has also been making better choices about what she eats – counting the cost of the calories before she indulges. Not that she ever had to worry about her weight (teens seem to burn fat without even moving), but I hope the practice sticks with her long in to the future as she grows into an adult (with children of her own – and much slower metabolism).
Another benefit to this diet? It has saved me money. You would think the opposite, right? More produce. More meal replacement shakes (which I do drink every now and then in a pinch). BUT: I have been packing lunches or taking along my own food rather than blow my diet eating fast food with the kids. It feels GREAT to pull in to Dairy Queen and buy them ice cream and fries without being tempted to indulge. CHUCK NORRIS TOUGH!
Remember how I told you my word for the year was CHANGE?
I got this on my Honest Tea lid the other day and smiled:
And so that’s what we are doing this year. Tackling our problems, one by one. Taking opportunities by the hand. Closing doors and opening new ones. Shaking off the dust. Cleaning house.
I’ve got two more updates to make this week. One is about my other website – the one I’ve run since 2006: The Homeschool Post. Big things going on there. Big announcement to make. The other is a little update on our homeschool year and how it is going.
{ And remember – if you don’t like something… CHANGE IT! }
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Ok Heather,
You’ve managed to inspire me and make me feel inadequate, all in one post!
I need that little gadget and I need to lose weight, but it didn’t help to see your picture in the mirror!
However, you redeemed yourself by giving the pep talk about change, because I love that……taking charge and cleaning our lives of things that aren’t positive anymore. Knowing when it’s time to move on from something is a very liberating thing!
I think you’re on a great track and thanks for getting me motivated for the day:)
You got a FitBit! I have been drooling over, er, looking at those and some others. I need the pedometer/calorie burn function and I already have a My Fitness Pal account (that I haven’t used in quite a while….erm…). And I want to get my A$S out there and walk or run but our roads have been snowy and/or icy! I have friends who run anyway but I’m the one who WILL fall and break something. I did just finally invest some money in a GOOD pair of running shoes, and I even got to use them once before it snowed again! So you’re motivating me but I can make excuses till the cows come home too… lol. I’ll go look at FitBits again!