It has been a while since I did a give-away. And I haven’t ever met a custom made greeting card I didn’t fall in love with. So…..
Hello, Paper Coterie!
I have gotten quite a few things from them over the past six months or so. First, I purchased a dayplanner – complete with my own photos, so I could use it as a calendar for 2013… then I purchased one for my mother who swooned over mine.
This past week I had some sweet Valentine’s Cards delivered with a photo of the baby I took.
Paper Coterie was kind enough to offer me free cards in exchange for letting me give a box away to one of my readers (baby not included).
1. Comment on this post and tell me what you want for Valentine’s Day.
For more entries… (leave a separate comment for each entry or they won’t count)…
2. Follow me on twitter (leave your @twitterhandle in the comments).
3. Subscribe to my RSS… button is up top (leave your email address in the comments).
4. Tweet this post (leave the url in the comments). You can do this daily.
5. Follow me on Pinterest (leave your Pinterest handle in the comments).
6. Visit Paper Coterie and tell me your favorite Valentine card design.
Give away ends TOMORROW at 8pm! Winner will be chosen randomly and announced TOMORROW NIGHT.
Just think of all the cute cards you could make with your own photos!
Hurry and enter – one day only!
{ Happy early Valentine’s Day! }
In His Grip,
I would love for some certain friends who live in the Austin area – come see me. #justsaying 😉
To take my family to the beach and enjoy an evening together at the beach while watching the sunset
bamagv at aol dot com
I like the XOXO Design…I would use it to put the kids picture on and send to family that is far away from us!
bamagv at aol dot com
Twitter follower: @TheJohnsFamily
bamagv at aol dot com
I would love to have some time with my family –
A night out including a movie and dinner with husband and kids.
I want a delicious dinner and lots of dark chocolate 🙂
Gretta! The lucky # was 3! You win the free cards!
I’ll tweet you at your twitter handle and let you know!