Today I’m covering my indoor plants and sharing a garden update; I hope you’ve been enjoying my “Home and Garden 101” series… (which is being sponsored this week by Central Pet & Garden – who are also providing my readers with a 25$ AMEX gift card give away).
Make sure to read to the end so you can enter to win 25$…
I apologize up front for not having as many photos in this post. I took a little video for you instead! Click to watch below…
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I finally got rid of the cilantro in my yard and have planted beans and wildflowers in that bed. I’m pretty sure there was some sort of citrus seed in the handful of things we planted, too – but I’ll never know until I let it grow. I’m just pulling the grass weeds and letting everything else do it’s thing. The other garden bed is totally full. Not just full- overflowing! My tomato plants are monsters!
As you can see from the photo up at the top of this post, I’ve been in a DIY mood lately. I put together this wonderful little montage of succulent plants from the local Lowe’s nursery in an urn my daughter had in her bathroom that was collecting junk. I filled the bottom with rocks to help with drainage and then added some sand before placing the plants in the pot. It looks so cute on my front porch. My mama complimented me on it when she stopped in Thursday night.
My favorite succulent in this mix is one that came in the absolute smallest plant box I have ever bought in my life. It was smaller than a seedling box. It had a tiny sprig of succulent in it with the prettiest pink bloom.
My lonely house plant is excited to have a friend on the porch. Here’s to hoping I won’t neglect it since it is in such a visible place. Me and house plants and containers do well as long as I have to trip over them or look at them constantly (like “Harry” – the dragon plant on my kitchen window ledge).
I feel sorry for them that they don’t get all the love that the garden and landscaping plants get. Now that Alaska Fish Fertilizer is part of our gardening fertilizer line-up, I can just mix a batch up in a pitcher inside (with nose-plugs on, holy-mackerel, the stuff smells bad). I love that it is an organic alternative to chemical fertilizers, too. The more “organicker”, the better.
Alaska Fish Fertilizer is a 5-1-1 fertilizer made from ooey, gooey, decomposed organic fish matter – mmmmm! Just like the Native American Indians used to use under corn, I hear. You know the first year we did our garden with the teens back in 2007 or so, we actually bought fish from the store and buried one under each corn kernel like the Indians told the colonists to do. It didn’t work magic like I expected. Not sure what we did wrong, but those fish didn’t smell anything like this brown Alaska sludge.
If you could judge a product’s worth in your garden by how bad it smells, I’m guessing my house plants are going to DIG this fertilizer!
You should see my garden lately. The plants are coming out and over the fencing. I’m having trouble keeping the climbers from covering everything in the bed. You live and learn. Can’t wait to share some photos with you next week!
I’m watching the garden daily and trying to naturally combat the bug pests. I suppose I’ll have to share a little of the harvest with them, but I’m so excited to see what all we get from this year’s “crop”. I’ve got my eye on two green tomatoes right now … and a few curly Serrano peppers that have survived the aphids. My vinegar/water/soap rinse did get rid of quite a few bugs, but they are back. The garlic powder didn’t do much to deter them. The ash from the fire pit was great for a few hours and certainly stumped the fire ants for a while. Next I’m going to have to get a little ugly with some well-placed DE (diatomaceous earth).
I love the view out my kitchen window now. I’m sure that my guests Sunday will love it, too! We’re BBQing on the back porch with some friends from church (which is why this post is a bit late — I was painting, making DIY curtains, decluttering, and cleaning most of Friday and today).
Follow along with my yard and garden photos on Twitter or Instagram with the #HG101 hashtag so everyone following along can see them. I’m also using this hashtag on Pinterest. In fact, I created a Home and Garden 101 pin board where I’m adding ideas to use in my garden there.
How is your garden and lawn coming along now that summer is upon us? Are you ready for the give-away????
Use the easy Rafflecopter below to enter and win!
{ Check back Wednesday, June 5th, to see who won! }
In Him,
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Disclosure Statement
Central Garden & Pet partnered with bloggers such as me to help educate us all about their products. As part of this program, I received compensation. They did not tell me what to purchase or what to say about the use of the products. Central Garden & Pet believes that consumers and bloggers are free to form their own opinions and share them in their own words. Central Garden & Pet’s policies align with WOMMA Ethics Code, FTC guidelines and social media engagement recommendations. A winner will be chosen by random and gift card fulfillment will be handled by a third party.
looking forward to seeing the progress in your garden
Thank you so much for the opportunity 🙂
I would use the Alaska All Purpose Dry Fertilizer for my vegetable garden this year.
We live in the mountains in a very sloped area. I think it’s beautiful here, but envy your flat areas!
The Alaska Fertilizer sounds interesting. Our garden is going great. What is planted of it, that is. We have to get out there this week and finish planting.
Thanks for the chance!
My yard needs a lot of work this summer. Thanks for the chance!
thank you for the giveaway!
thanks for the giveaway!
I would use the Alaska® All Purpose Dry Fertilizer
This is perfect for our garden, thank you.
I’ve heard many good things about fish fertilizer I think I’m gonna give it a try
I visited the site and I would get the Alaska All Purpose Fish Fertilizer
Thanks for the giveaway
I love reading your posts!!! can’t wait to see how everything turns out!!!
thanks for the great giveaway!
I would use Alaska® All Purpose Fish Fertilizer
Great giveaway! Thanks for the chance!!
I would like to use the
Alaska® All Purpose Dry Fertilizer for berries.
thanks for the giveaway
i love gardening!
Our lawn always suffers in the hot Texas summer. Thanks for the giveaway!
Thanks for the contest. dry
Oh I have never heard of a fish fertilizer! So neat!
Oh I would love to use the Alaska® Vegetable & Tomato Dry Fertilizer on my tomatoes!
I pinned! 🙂
Comment’s are great, love the giveaway!
Lilly Miller looks good!
Thanks for the giveaway!
pinned it!
I’ve been thinking about putting together a small succulent garden.
Thank you.
I’d like to try the Alaska Vegetable & Tomato Fertilizer.
My tomatoes could use the boost.
Would love to win. Thanks for the giveaway
I’d love to win 🙂
Bugs are eating my roses and I appreciate the advice!
Thank you for the giveaway
Thank you so much for the giveaway
I pinned
Thank you for the chance.
I would use the Alaska Pure Kelp Plant Food for our fruit and vegetable garden.
Pin link:
Entered the rafflecopter as “Wild orchid”
Thanks for the chance to win!
wildorchid985 at gmail dot com
I would like to use Alaska All Purpose Fish Fertilizer
I would use the Alaska® Vegetable & Tomato Dry Fertilizer
thanks for the giveaway!
Just found your blog and I am so excited. It is hot here in AZ so just trying to keep the little patch of green grass in the backyard green.