After a little time away – on business – for mama, there’s a lot of work to catch up on at home. Daddy can keep things functional, but he doesn’t fold laundry… and his idea of putting things away is piling them all in a cabinet or closet. I know he’ll keep the kids alive, and they will most likely have a lot more fun than I might let them have… but kids need their mama to set the boundaries in place again… to put things back in order… to snuggle with them and make sure they have brushed teeth and snacks. Maybe even to make them do a little school work (shhhh!)…
Kids need their mama to hug them. To laugh with them. They need her to nurture them and keep the family glued together with all those little things mamas do that go largely unnoticed (like reconciling the checkbook maybe). It’s good not to have your electricity turned off because mama paid the bill. I’m just sayin’.
And since it’s summer, this particular mama tries hard to add in extra fun when she can. Like Starbucks for no reason. Breaks in the summer school schedule for visiting friends and family. Fast food for lunch just because. Extra time for video games (even though mama hates video games)… and plans to go see movies.
Who knows… maybe even a fun teen get together party… or a toddler and mom date in the park with three slides… complete with cold watermelon and a seed spitting contest?
Anyway… while I’m cleaning up the drippy juice off my chin… and admiring the sweet sibling bonds my kids are building… and reconnecting with family in a purposeful way after taking a little “ME” time…
…I thought I would just stop in and encourage you to do the same. Because kids don’t keep. And pretty much everything else in life besides these few precious years will be around waiting on you later if you invest yourself in what really matters most.
Remember to stop and smell the roses, sure – but I’d take it one step further and stop to hug and love on your babies, too. No matter how old they are. Memories are the golden threads that bind your hearts together and build a life well-lived. Make some this summer!
Signed, A Mama with a 16 Year Old Son Who Will be Driving Next School Year
Thank you for this reminder!
Seed-spitting – YES! are you finding it almost impossible to find watermelons with seeds included? Everything in the stores here says ‘seedless’ – can you believe it?
I’m glad you are home, so you can hug your kids, and so they can hug you.
You have a beautiful family! Enjoy your summer 🙂