Hi there. I hope you are enjoying a fabulous Fourth of July weekend with the people you love the most. I’ve been celebrating life with my husband and my children today. We’re going to roast hotdogs and build a bonfire, sing songs, and re-tell the story of American bravery and the importance of freedom. What a gift we’ve been given. May we never grow apathetic and allow it to be taken away.
I pray that all Americans (and Texans) – even the smallest ones that haven’t been able to witness a big sprawling blue sky – are protected by God and the united will of our free people to never be enslaved again. I pray they are valued and given a chance to bloom and eventually contribute to this nation (and our fair state).
I pray that we will cherish life and liberty always.
Here’s a message from Americans United For Life that I wanted to share with you all in light of the Senate and House bills this month that are awaiting votes in the Texas Legislature, both of which that will protect life after viability (20 weeks) and force those who perform abortions to meet safety standards like other clinics and hospitals do.
{ I’m staunchly prolife – it only takes one abortion to become forever pro-life. I know what it feels like to be a scared young girl, faced with a decision, confused and alone… and I know what it’s like to have no good advice, to feel helpless and trapped. I know what it’s like to change your mind when it’s too late and cry yourself to sleep. I know what it’s like to live with the worst kind of regret. }
“In the summer of 1776, the American colonists found themselves embroiled in the fight for independence from Great Britain. Delegates from the Continental Congress, representing the 13 colonies, gathered in July 1776 to adopt the Declaration of Independence, the historic document of our founding. Drafted by Thomas Jefferson, it boldly declares our country’s unique perspective on the dignity and value of the human person with the words,
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”
In contrast to the history of other nations, the United States stands as a free nation built upon a foundation respecting the human person as a creation of God, deserving of rights…first and foremost of which are Life. Life is the very essence of who we are. Honoring unique lives and the individual gifts and talents given to all people regardless of race, gender or ethnicity…this is the beauty of freedom and the promise of liberty. This is America.
As we celebrate this day, the birth of our country, let us stop to reflect upon the blessing of Life, the gift of liberty and the honor to pursue happiness in this great nation.
Charmaine Yoest, Ph.D.
President & CEO
Americans United for Life “
I thank God for renewed life for a lost sinner like me. I thank Him for the blessing of a filled womb (times six – two in heaven), a filled house (children are his greatest blessing), a full heart (love conquers all).
{ Keep praying. Keep believing. Keep trusting Him. }
And May America Bless the One who made her FREE. Praise God that He will always be on the throne, no matter what… Amen.
In His Grip,