I’d love to share with you about how this past weekend blessed my socks off. But first…
1. I’m editing all the conference photos and uploading them to Dropbox, Facebook, and Flickr for THSC.
2. I’m trying to talk the teenagers in to taking off their THSC Teen Staff T-shirts long enough for me to wash them.
3. I’m unpacking suitcases and trying to get the house clean (apparently Daddy and Grandma were a little preoccupied with toddlers, because not much was kept up while we were away).
4. I’m re-training the love-sick cat to stay off my computer keyboard and stop waking me up in the middle of the night to be pet, just to make sure I’m still here.
5. I’m trying to figure out what’s for dinner. Menu planning is so boring when you come home from a fun trip (where cookies, fast food, and snacks were pretty much all you ate)… however, my body is in need of some serious DETOX and healthy foods right about now! Grandpa came to town and brought donuts Monday and took us out to eat, and I’ve been too busy to cook the past two nights, so we’ve been eating breakfasty foods instead of veggies.
How was your weekend? Did you catch me (and my long white lens) this weekend at THSC? Are you already planning out your school year? That’s next on my looong list.
I’ll be back soon with a recap of the weekend – field trips, conference and all!
In Him,
Yes, I am planning away. So nice to meet you at the conference.