About once or twice a year, I really enjoy attending a blogging conference. I’ve explained it many times on my previous conference related posts, but other bloggers make super friends in real life because they really understand what makes you tick. They get that you write articles in your head while you shower and as you are falling asleep. They understand your html woes, your RSS quandaries, and have masterful tips on SEO and “pinnability”. It gets tiring to feel like you are the odd-ball in a world of normal homeschool moms who aren’t plugged in to the blog world. A blog conference offers you a brief reminder that you aren’t crazy – and encouragement to keep writing and creating to the best of your ability.
And of course, a blog conference is FUN.
When blog conferences are located near your home-town (or at least in your state of residence), it is especially sweet. Blog Elevated is happening in Houston (that would be TEXAS) – Yeeeehaw!!!
And even sweeter is the fact that – wait for it … I’m taking photos for the conference. #WOOHOO!
{ That means I get to rent my favorite lens again – and shoot people. }
Here are the details just in case you wanna mosey on down here and attend BE for yourself:
Blog Elevated Conference
September 19-21, 2013
Norris Conference Center, City Centre Houston complex, just west of Houston, Texas
Also: luxurious Hotel Sorella… wow!
The conference was created by the founders of HoustonBloggers and #TXBloggers (the awesome twitter chat that happens every Thursday night at 9PM, CST… which I never seem to be able to remember to participate in).
There are supposed to be up to 300 bloggers in attendance, so it’s not the largest conference, but certainly not the smallest I have been to, either.
There will be learning, dinner, dancing and great food (and I won’t be dancing – because I’ll be taking pictures… that’s my story and I’m stickin’ to it).
OH YEAH: and the speakers…
They rock. I am a little partial. I lurve them so (well, at least the ones I know – the other ones, I’m sure they are great because Lisa wouldn’t have picked them if they weren’t).
I’m so excited for a fun grown-up girl, photography, blog-fanatic weekend with my invisible friends that live inside my laptop! It will be just what this homeschool mom needs (and a nice break for my kids that weekend, since I won’t be here to ride them about homework that needs to be done). Who knows… maybe they will surprise me and do it without any nagging? Stranger things have happened.
{ Join me in Houston this month? }
In Him,
I would love to go to this! I’m going to try and find out more about it. I’m only 1 1/2 hours from there 🙂
I would love to meet you! Of course, I would be by myself, so we’ll see if I’m brave enough!
I’ll let you know 🙂