I’m alive! I’m alive! I know you were wondering.
There have been a lot of things going on in my hive that needed my attention; and much more that needs my attention which I haven’t attended to as of yet. As I write this little bloggy note to you, I’m wondering why Santa just can’t send us a few pre-holiday elves that are better at housekeeping than toy making, if you know what I mean.
If November is the baby elephant sitting on your calendar, December is Dumbo’s Mom. I can’t keep up with the emails coming in with places to be and people to see. No room for even a breath of fresh air without somewhere to go and something to do.
Then, of course, there is always something to remember that you should have written down… and I’m sure it helps to open the calendar and look at it the night before, too.
What was I talking about?
Oh yes, being BUSY – over-scheduled. It’s easy to let the chaos prevent you from taking time to abide in Him.
My word this year was choice. I’ve been weighing the choices heavier these days. I have been pushing back against the hurry and frenzy to reclaim the joy of HERE and NOW. Now is the blessing.
Every day last week there was a new level of busy, but I fought back. I’m trying to be purposeful with my actions, punctual with my priorities, prayerful with my decisions, and present with my loved ones.
For Example:
Rationalization: I’m too busy to spend 30 minutes on prayer and Bible study.
Right Choice: NO WAY NO HOW I would forgo time with the Lord. When I do, I can TELL. I am looking forward to starting a new Beth Moore Bible study with the kids next month. We are REALLY enjoying taking time to be in the Word and encouraging each other to abide in Him. It feels so great to see your teens being blessed by Him… and knowing that they understand the concept of staying plugged in to the Power Source.
Rationalization: I’m too busy to stop my week, leave the kids and husband to fend for themselves for dinner, and spent time with my homeschool mom friends to fellowship.
Right Choice: Monday Mom’s Night Fellowship and Frito Pie (along with prayer and encouragement). So what if the kids ate oatmeal cookies and scavenged leftovers for dinner?!
Rationalization: I’m too busy to tote my 16 year old over 30 miles to work for a day (at 6AM and 8PM).
Right Choice: Teaching my son good citizenship by helping him accept his first REAL JOB working as an election clerk (and sending off for his driver’s education packet to remedy the transportation problem).
Rationalization: I’m too busy and broke to attend a historical field trip out of town.
Right Choice: We don’t do a lot of field trips, so we partnered with another family to afford the gas, packed a lunch and snacks to cut costs, and took a school day off to let my kids play and enjoy themselves at the Texas Renfest (my toddlers are still sword fighting and dreaming of all that MUD mama let them splash in).
Rationalization: I can put off dealing with an annoying car issue because the vehicle is still running.
Right Choice: I can’t take much credit for this one being my own choice because I needed it to pass inspection and everything we had tried to do to fix the problem wasn’t working. Three trips to the auto supply store, three trips to the inspection center, and finally figuring out that it was a broken vacuum line causing all the SUV drama (for the past 2 years, most likely)… and now I can finally stop freaking out every time I pass a cop on the road. YAY for updated inspection stickers – now if only my tags weren’t due next month!
Rationalization: We need to pack a box full of school to get caught up on during our weekend away at grandma and grandpa’s house. No, really… we did pack it… and took it…
Right Choice: Mom CAVED IN and made the right choice. I let the big kids BREATHE this past weekend. The only assignments I required was reading for their report that was due for English. My teens needed a break something awful; and I did, too.
Rationalization: I’ve been married 20 years. We have this thing all figured out.
Right Choice: You never stop needing to work on your relationship to make it better. We got tickets to the Love Worth Fighting For Conference with Kirk Cameron and Warren Barfield back when they first went on sale because I wanted to put my relationship back in a priority position. I’m seeing a lot of fruit from this decision in both my honey and me.
Rationalization: I’m overwhelmed and need a break – call the emergency maid!
Right Choice: Daily and deliberately doing our own cleaning and laundry (it never ends)… and teaching the kids to pick up as they go – still… and one of them is 1.5 years away from 18, people. We don’t have the money for “help” and really, does anyone ever clean it like you want anyway?
Rationalization: PROCRASTINATION
Right Choice: As library books came due this week, we crunched down on the research paper my teens have due. There was definitely a healthy amount of procrastination, but at least they got most of the reading done prior to needing to do the writing. It was not difficult for them to hammer out a rough draft. They are polishing these to turn in via email to their English instructor (they take a once a week English class on Thursdays). I might just share them with you on the blog later!
Rationalization: I love these little sugar-lumps so much that I ALWAYS want them cuddling with me when I fall asleep each night. BOY, this is a hard struggle for this old mama who already had her last baby! Letting go is HARD.
Right Choice: Understanding that the tiny dudes need to learn some independence and better sleeping patterns… to build brotherly bonds in their own room together… and to get the two-year-old teddy bear OUT of mom and dad’s bed. We got a rail this week at Walmart to prevent tiny from falling out of the bed at night. For the past three nights, I’ve been having to get up and go in to sleep with the toddlers at about 2:30 or 3AM through the rest of the night. It’s almost like having a newborn again. Need sleep.
And then there are the regular duties… like bill-paying, and stacks of paperwork yet to go through… and trying to prevent your tomato and pepper plants from frostbite… and figuring out a workable menu for the week. We six people love to eat food, you know.
Speaking of menus… I’ve decided I’m never going to eat out again (well, mostly ever – HEY JACK, it’s expensive)… so I’d love it if you shared your top 3 family favorite weeknight recipes with us…
… and yes, the ‘Hey Jack’ was thrown in there because Si is one of my favorite new people in the whole world. I don’t get cable, so you can’t hold it against me that it has taken me a little longer than most to get hooked on Duck Dynasty. I found out about it this summer at my husband’s cousin’s house. He got me the Season 1 DVD and I’m in love.
Check out this awesome fan art of Si. You can follow this young artist on Instagram (show her fabulous talented little self some love). She’s got a very unique style that I adore!
Rednecks rock. But, I bet you knew I would say that. Hey, you laugh, but we “Bitter Clingers” are a tough breed. Mark my words, if the zombie apocalypse started today, the only people left would be rednecks and cowboys.
So, friend, how are you doing in your battle to get it all done and enjoy the people in your life in the process?
{ What signs do you see of slow, simple, and sweet in your life right now? }
In Him,
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P.S. The Homeschool Blog Awards is open for voting! Did you make the list? I can’t wait to see which 20 homeschool bloggers win this year!
P.S.S. Don’t forget about the November Instagram Homeschool Photo-a-Day Challenge.
Sooo glad you’re back!!! You were missed!
Get reminder of being deliberate in our daily lives!!!!
Let’s see… top 3 dinner choices
Stacked Enchiladas
Cowboy Sandwiches
Homemade Pizza (if you teach your teenage son how to make them…it’s even better!!!) ; )