It’s the 2nd of December already, and all day yesterday, I thought it was November 30th. I’ve already messed up Advent before it even began at our house.
That doesn’t surprise me, though, and it won’t surprise my kids, either. Especially since we decided mid-way in to Hanukkah to celebrate that, too, this year. We jumped in on “day 4”, or so we thought… but it was actually day 5 today.
Which also means that I didn’t get the December desktop calendar done for the Homeschool Post (that will have to go up later today after I’ve had time to sleep). It also means I’m a day late (as usual) with the December Homeschool Photo-a-Day Instagram Challenge. Just finished that about ten seconds ago. Shoot. I don’t even think I finished getting every photo of the November challenge taken on IG, either.
I’d love to be on time for everything… to have it all together…
But if I were perfect, there’d be no living with me. My knees wouldn’t be quite as worn. My heart wouldn’t feel the desperation of clinging to Him to get through a day. I wouldn’t be quite as awed by His perfection.
I wouldn’t need a savior. And I certainly wouldn’t need to be teaching my imperfect kids about Him.
I’m glad I’m not perfect, and that I’ve been given the gift of grace and forgiveness… and I’m planning on shifting my focus away from what I don’t have this Christmas to share the best gift of all with my children: Christ the King.
Join me as I team up with Kirsten Oliphant and so many other Christ-impassioned bloggers to pour our hearts out before Him as our offering this December for Advent. I’ll be writing my portion of the “Voices in the Desert” Advent series on December 11th. Well, if I can remember, anyway. Feel free to send me a digital SLAP IN THE FACE if I forget!
May we do as Kirsten suggests by her Advent book entitled, “Make Him Room”. I know I need to clear the heart-clutter and make him room. How about you?
You can pick up a free copy of her book (December 2nd only) for your Kindle if you would like to read it.
Check out her opening post introducing the “Voices in the Desert” Advent Series on her blog. You can also follow along on Twitter with the #desertvoices hashtag to read all related posts by all participating authors and those discussing the themes.
Other Advent Ideas to Enrich Your Hearts :
- Crossroads Kid’s Club has a great online Advent prepared for children
- Half a Hundred Acre Wood has a ton of great educational Advent ideas and links
- My friend Jamie from C.R.A.F.T. (Creating Really Awesome Free Things) has 29 Advent Calendar Ideas to share
- Another neat Advent e-book on Amazon: Charlie & Noel – An Advent Calendar Story
- Professor Carol’s Advent Calendar
- The You-Version Bible Online has a number of different themed Advent devotionals available
- World Vision’s “Anticipating the King” Advent (for a servant’s heart)
- How to create a Jessie Tree (we did this one year when my older ones were young)
AND… in case you wanted to join me in a photographic journey through December, make sure to find me on Instagram (@sprittibee)!
By ALL MEANS… don’t try to be perfect as you take on Advent and images – and all the other bustle of this month. Embrace His power in your weakness. Watch as he wraps something wonderful up out of your December and displays His GLORY in the midst of the grit.
He can.
Just remember, He gave up the splendor of heaven for a dirty manger. He’s well acquainted with the imperfection of our world… and he overcame it for us. Try that on as a Christmas gift: Hope for a future without imperfection – for all of us made FINALLY perfect in Him.
In His Grip,
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Credits: Photo at top by Rebecca at
great reminder of imperfections! I am so glad we connected and that you’re taking part in my advent series! I’ll gladly send you a digital something, probably not a slap. Oh! And if it makes you feel better, I made an appointment with a new doctor and didn’t write down the day, time, doctor’s name, or location. 🙂
My husband would tell you that you had a “Heather Moment”. 😉 Thanks for inviting me! Maybe we can get together for coffee over the holidays.
I’d love to!! I drink coffee at all hours. It’d be fun to get together!