What kind of homeschool mom are you? I’m sad to admit that often times, I’m a hurried one.
This week was like a flash in the pan. It started with a birthday, disappeared like a shot with a hundred things left undone. BUT… The important thing is the ending. My week is ending in a grand finale of worship, praise… and ENCOURAGEMENT.
I had plans for the blog this week. No, really, I did. Don’t believe me?
Here they were:
JAN 22 W: Word for 2014 and Resolutions Post
JAN 23 T: 2013 Recap
JAN 24 F: Field Trip Review on Renfest
My plans are in pencil for a reason. God’s eraser is a very frequent tool used on my lesson planner… and in my life.
I’m learning to let go and let God take the wheel.
Kind of like this morning. I decided to wait out the ice because it just wasn’t worth having a wreck on the way to San Marcos. My yard was a block of ice before I left. It rained down winter mix for 12 hours. I could hear it flick against the window in the night.
As much as I wanted to see my homeschool mom friends and be encouraged, I decided to be present at home – to help my teens clean and match socks, even – and to leave after lunch. I didn’t rush. I took my time. I waited for the ice to start melting.
Because of this, I was able to walk around the car to check my tires and discovered one of them was low. Sitting in the only tire and lube shop I could find open on an “inclement weather day”, I discovered from the window sticker that I needed an oil change. Handy thing to know before a long drive out of town.
They filled the tires, topped the fluids, safety checked my lights, changed my oil, and sent me on my way with peace of mind I didn’t have before.
Peace of mind is underrated. What if I hadn’t listened to that voice inside that said to take caution? We may never know how bad today’s trip might have been.
Waiting on God and letting him do the driving will get you a lot farther, a lot safer, and with a lot less baggage.
Trust me on this. I’ve driven without him and even tried to drive with Him as passenger. I’ve been around a few blocks behind a wheel I wasn’t qualified to sit behind. I’m a living example that His way is the best way – better than my wildest dreams, that’s for sure. Never want to go anywhere without Him again.
I can’t wait to see where God will take me next. Feeling more and more like this weekend’s journey was divine providence.
{ Wish you were here! I’ve been told there will be bacon and REAL eggs for breakfast tomorrow. }
In Him,
LOVE this post! So beautiful! What an honor it was to share a room with you and get to know you! You made my amazing weekend all that more amazing! Can’t wait to see you again soon! Love ya!
I’m so glad we got paired up as roomies! <3 What a super fun weekend. I can't wait until we can visit again. 🙂 Let me know when you have a review post up of the conference. I'd love to read it!