Presidents Day is coming up in just a few short days (February 17, 2014). I’ve been around the homeschool block and have quite the collection of patriotic books, so I thought I’d share a few resources with you to teach your tots about the great men in our nation’s past. It is good to know there were men like them (Washington, Adams, Jefferson…), and I pray our nation sees a return of the kind of people that have led us in the past. The best way for that to happen is to start with educating your children – using living books and actual texts (not watered down textbooks) – so they can catch the vision of a better future and remember what it was like when freedom wasn’t just a gimmick talked about in anthems.
Some books which you can still buy on Amazon (most of them) which I suggest for Presidents Day include:
I’m adding to this widget as I go along finding more books. I’m planning to do a little mini unit study with my boys eventually, so I’m gathering resources again. I have almost all of the books in this widget! Some of my books are a little outdated (one only goes up to Reagan as the last president)… but I’m really OK with that. *snicker*
We had so much fun with our Presidents and Elections Unit when we did Konos back in the day. I get teary-eyed thinking about how my big kids were practically the same ages of my little boys when we studied it the first time!
Check out this video of my oldest two singing the Star Spangled Banner if you don’t believe me… (mind you, they are 17 and 15 now – and I started homeschooling them when they were 2 and 4!)
I’ve got a ton of ideas for teaching about Presidents Day in my Presidents Day Pinterest Board about the subject. Stop over there and check them out. A few of my favorites are shown below…
And below is a link that had no images (so it couldn’t be added to Pinterest)…
Totally cute: Hangman Presidents Game
Have fun and learn a lot!
{ While you are at it, PRAY! That’s what George would tell you to do! }
In His Grip,
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Credits: My pinterest board has a lot of great ideas, but some of the images shown are just from pins (I can’t take credit for them). Go to the individual pin in my board to find the creator/photographer/artist!
Disclaimer: If you purchase a book from my Amazon widget, your generosity will afford me a few cents towards our next big unit study purchase! Thanks for supporting this site!
Thnaks for all of the fun links that must have taken up alot of your time I do appreciate it.
You are welcome. 🙂