I have some little rascals at my house. I can relate with movies like Dennis the Menace and most recently, Little Rascals Save the Day. I was glad to get a chance to review the DVD before it hits the stores on April 1st. Since I have my copy, I’ll be picking up a copy of Walter Mitty (also out April 1st) instead.
My boys… well, the younger two, liked The Little Rascals Save the Day much better than Walter Mitty, though. Mitty was a little above their age level. I talked about that movie over at the Homeschool Post yesterday when I put up the Field Trip link-up for March. Have you stopped by over there to say congrats to the new queen of the Homeschool Post and link up your latest field trip adventure?
Are you looking for a few good movies for a family movie night? This one is pretty cute.
See for yourself with the official trailer:
I like how pro-family the movie is – with children trying to help their grandmother save her bakery, and a police officer being told by his fiance that she doesn’t want to be with a guy who doesn’t like children. The kid actors/actresses were really sweet. They have a funtastic steampunk clubhouse with working inventive contraptions, and they come up with zany ideas on how to raise money for their grandma to pay off her bank debt that will make you laugh out loud. My 5 and 3 year old schemers really loved it (as if they needed any new ideas).
From the PR team who shared the movie with me:
The movie extols the value of friendship, leadership, teamwork, fair play, and “lending a helping hand to those in need.” It also casts a favorable light on capitalism as the kids embark on a series of business ventures that have to be seen to be believed! Parents will also love the classic scenes harvested from the original series, such as the kids’ “taxi kab” flying down the street with no brakes, complete with flying pedestrians and other fast-motion special effects (and for the aficionados, shot in the very same steep-hilled Echo Park neighborhood as the original!). Most of all, THE LITTLE RASCALS SAVE THE DAY gives parents an opportunity to experience an authentic Hal Roach classic all over again – this time with their own children!
Would you like your own copy? I have one to give away!
Here’s an easy entry Rafflecopter – just comment and click … good luck!
Enter here:
In Him,
I remember watching the first one when it was in theatres! I’d love to win a copy of the new version – sounds like a perfect family movie night to me! Thanks for sharing about the DVD 🙂
Sounds like a good one for our family
Looks like an adorable movie. Thanks for doing the giveaway.
We love the little rascals! Sparky is our favorite!
Oops Spanky!