I never set out to write a health blog. I can’t help that God keeps throwing all this new information in my lap, though. I mean, who wants to learn first hand how to use natural remedies to get rid of ringworm? Not me. You can mark my name off that list.
God had other plans, though.
Remember the new kitten? Yep, the insanely cute little fluff ball that no one could keep their hands off of?
I found a couple of ringworm spots on my arm last week before I left for a retreat in the Texas Hill Country. I read online that you could use an anti-fungal spray on them and keep them covered and it wouldn’t spread. Right before I left, the kids began getting a few. I left their dad in charge of them for the weekend and came home to a couple of kids with a BUNCH of spots. Apparently, there are massive steps you have to take to prevent an outbreak of ringworm once it starts.
I did the research on Monday after returning home. I was on a spiritual high after spending the weekend with my church sisters and I had no idea how much I would need the encouragement to get through this tough week.
The vet said that since my other two cats had been exposed and both had a tiny spot over their eye (which I am assuming came from rubbing on the same cat door as the new kitten or playing with him), it was going to cost us big time to get all three cats. It was going to cost us money for exams, blood tests, cultures, shots, dip, oral meds, creams or lotions, plus the cost of neutering the stray. If we were to handle the outbreak at home with natural remedies, we would still have to do the same types of things (quarantine, bathe, doctor cats and ourselves, deep clean the house, etc) only less harsh than chemicals and less dangerous to our health.
We looked up remedies online for ringworm and found quite a bit of information about using coconut oil, tea tree oil, apple cider vinegar, lavender, thieves and a ringworm herbal tincture from our natural doctor. Since we would be saving a ton of money on vet visits, we decided to invest in a small cage (chicken coop) from Sam’s Club to house the kitten. I found out we can get him fixed really cheap at a clinic in Austin after we get him well.
I was really feeling overwhelmed after hearing from a vet that even with chemicals and drugs, it sometimes takes up to two months to get rid of an outbreak of ringworm. Another person told me that they found out the soil in their yard contained a colony of it and it kept infesting their cats and dogs and they kept bringing it back inside the house. Because this appeared right after we brought home a stray, we are hopeful that the original colony came from the area we picked the cat up, and NOT our own yard! That would be horrible!
I did notice that the spots on my arms were healing somewhat after a few days of the antifungal spray, but I began coconut oil on Monday after doing all the research and all of my spots are MUCH improved (some nearly gone) in just two-and-a-half days of using coconut oil almost exclusively. I did dab them with apple cider vinegar first. It stung a little. I read one website that said if you just keep using vinegar on them for a few days, it would kill it.
My natural doctor told me that instead of bleach, I should spray the carpet and floors with a fine mist of Thieves. I haven’t found a spray bottle yet (may have to break down and go buy another one since I can’t figure out where mine went), but I also read that you can sprinkle baking soda on the carpet to kill the fungus if there is any.
It has been taking ALL our time this week just to keep functional. Between bathing cats every other day, bathing and coating sores with coconut oil multiple times per day, keeping little boys from touching the floor or their faces, washing every blanket, sheet and towel we use (for 6 people) daily, washing rugs, bleaching the floor in the garage (before we heard about the other remedies), sweeping out the garage, building the chicken coop, and digging carpet out of the attic to make it more hospitable for a cat… there hasn’t been much time for much else this week (including homeschool). Thankfully, they had a really light week coming off of spring break in their outside classes.
Want to see my crazy list that I have to get done today through Saturday?
To Do
Finish washing dishes (daily)
Sweep floor in kitchen (daily)
Continual rotation of laundry, folding of clean things, putting away (daily)
Hang clothes in closet (daily)
Bathe all three cats again with apple cider vinegar (every other day)
Pet and brush all three cats, anoint with coconut oil, put apple cider vinegar in water bowls, feed (daily)
Find spray bottle or buy one
Scrub all bathrooms with Comet and spray down with Thieves
Remake beds without sheets after drying them (daily)
Teens to clean their rooms, vacuum their rooms, spray rooms & beds with Thieves
Drink apple cider vinegar punch (my daughter made her own recipe similar to the drink photographed above)
Pick up toys and put away in toddler/preschool room
Finish vacuuming upstairs after laundry piles are washed and toys are picked up
Mop entry way and put all shoes away
Sweep out garage and change litter boxes in garage and chicken coop cage (daily)
Let cats out in direct sunlight for a few hours (daily)
Pay the bills
Take big kids to their classes (Thursday)
Bathe, dress, watch closely (to make sure they don’t touch/scratch sores) and coat little kids with coconut oil
Help Morgan get caught up with Physics, both kids get caught up on History and Math
Start new Bible Study
Funeral Saturday for distant family member
Drink LOTS of water (some with apple cider vinegar, daily)
Pick up milk at friend’s house
Doctor next Tuesday
Cook soaked pinto beans for tomorrow
Finish making pinto beans
Clean out refrigerator
Pay bills, reconcile checkbook, file receipts, do paperwork
I should put “finish this blog post” on there, because I had to change the sheets, rotate the laundry, bathe the babies, and doctor everyone before bed last night and wasn’t able to.
So, if you don’t see an update here for a while, you can probably find me in my laundry room. I’m not sure I’ll ever complain about a normal amount of laundry for six people again. I’ll keep you informed on the ringworm saga as things progress. Today I’m hoping to finish the deep cleaning and disinfecting… but my mother got a spot this morning after sleeping with my five year old. Bummer.
Happy rest of the week to you, and beware of stray cats.
In Him,
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Thank you for this, I volunteer at our local humane society and have noticed these before on me. UGH. Thankfully they have gone away with a medication my doctor prescribed for eczema. But I like more natural remedies. Thankfully none of my children have ever gotten it from me. I will keep this post in mind if I ever see it again.
Sweet Bee, sounds like you’re doing everything you can. ((hug))