So it’s summer. Just like that.
Where has the school year gone?
I’ll be back to talk about our summer schooling in more detail after the events of this week (moving my mom into an apartment tomorrow), but I’m pretty sure we’ll be trucking right along with homeschool for 2013-14 until the end of August. My daughter mapped out the things they have left by the chapter and assignment in her Google Calendar (I love teenagers), and they are charting a course towards 11th Grade.
And then there’s my little guys; knee high to grasshoppers. Here the little monsters come, bringing up the band behind their towering siblings; begging me to read to them, to tell them about the planets, and to teach them how to read. Kindergarten is knocking at the door.
Until I can get my planning done, we’ll continue to take life one emergency at a time around here. This week it’s moving mom, mowing the yard out at her place, keeping everyone healthy, and scaling MOUNT Laundry.
Blog posts are in the work for lots of things. I actually made a Google Blog Calendar with ideas to make room in my brain for other things of importance. I know I’m aiming high with something on the blog agenda every day of the month, but if I fail 50% of the time, that’s 15 posts, right?!
In the mean time… PICTURES!
Join me for the JUNE #HSCHALLENGE.
HS used to stand for Home School. However, there are others who are participating on Instagram with the challenge who aren’t homeschoolers. So we could call it the H. (Heather) S. (my last name starts with an S!) challenge. I’m really OK with that. Either way, join in!
Pick up your smart phone, download the free Instagram app, and start clicking some memories and sharing them with us.
All you do is take a photo each day (or you can take a few each weekend – or just take as many as you can – no rules, no order to it).
Here’s what I do each month:
a) write the challenge assignments down on each day of my dayplanner and post the image to my IG account stating that I’m participating (use the tag on each photo #hschallenge)
b) make a written list on my iphone in my notes and delete them as I take them so I know what’s left (step not necessary – just something I do so I don’t duplicate effort)
c) take pictures as you live your life (I try to post at least 1 or 2 images each day to Instagram) and go back in to the photos I already have taken and tag them later (after the fact) if they fit the challenge requirements that I’m still needing for the month
d) challenge myself on a few of them to go out and actually set up a shot – not required for all assigned days, but if you have a favorite word/challenge, maybe get a mental image of what you want to take a photo of and set up a time to go take the shot. These are the ones that stretch you as a photographer and memory maker. This is why I did the challenge in the first place – to grow my skills and capture new things in new ways.
TIP: To get ideas, browse through hashtags you like on IG (for example: #beachball).
e) don’t obsess – it doesn’t matter if you do them out of order or skip some, it’s all about memories, not perfection or stress
OK, everyone, resume your summer!
Have a great week!
In Him,