Deep breaths.
I’m not sure there’s much I can find to say without whining lately, so I have been loathe to open up a blank blog post and publish ANYTHING. And then there’s that blog design issue. My blog designer has had similar reasons to whine – she nearly had her appendix rupture. I’m trying to count my blessings to keep from allowing the urgent to pull me under…
When I get stressed, I make lists. I don’t know about you, but aside from chocolate, a list helps eek all the loose ends out of my brain so I can sleep – and so I can function during the day instead of turning in zombie-like circles, wondering what I entered the room for.
Here’s the latest random list so I can shed a little of our crazy. I can admit it; I’m after your sympathy… Or prayers – prayers would help more.
1. Today was the first dental appointment in nearly a year for me and Mo. Both of us got referred out for issues. Her because of her gum tissue needing to be biopsied and possibly surgically removed, and me for a possible oral cancer spot needing to be checked. Not happy news.

2. I know you were going to ask about the ringworm. Don’t worry. I’ve got you covered with mandatory research on the only child left in my house who has it – the crazy 3 year old. By the time I’m done I may be able to submit my findings to a prestigious medical journal for scientific review and publication. I’ll also never have another indoor pet again.; unless it has fins and someone else wants to clean out the filters and tank. I’m pretty sure fish don’t get ringworm. Any of you want a really cute kitten?
P.S. If any of you want to jump in on my ringworm support group email chain, I can share the link – I have two other moms going through the ringer with their youngsters right now who are sharing the journey and their own research with me. Good to know you aren’t alone in the fight!

3. I spent three days in Houston last week. It rained. But that’s redundant. Nana has been in the hospital for over a month and they won’t let her eat because she has some sort of tear in her digestive tract. This makes Nana, and Pop, and me and all the rest of our family really unhappy. Prayers appreciated. Another surgery is in the works soon. My 5 year old and Daddy took turns this weekend going to visit. I was encouraged that they were letting her have broth. If only I lived close enough to make it home made for her.

4. Mom moved out of her house. And soon she’s moving back in. Her cats are happy about this. Guess who gets to help with the lifting, organizing, and cleaning? Oh, and DUSTING?

5. The grasshoppers ate all our newly planted vitex trees. Greedy little jerks.
6. Summer school and teens who hate summer school: two things that really don’t go well together.

7. My laptop died a week or so ago. It wouldn’t turn on. I figured all was lost, but decided to run it by Geek Squad. I spent the better part of three days in a data black hole transferring data from laptop to external and setting up my tiny new computer. Thankfully my teens were able to help cook and keep us fed. Yay for not losing photos or music! The cheap flat screen made a nice HDMI monitor stand-in for the tiny new laptop I got. Poor daddy can’t watch TV in the bedroom while I borrow it, though.

8. It takes nearly all day to mow 6 acres. And by the time you are done weed-eating, it has all grown back again.
9. I burned the dickens out of my thumb while pouring home made tomato paste into canning jars. You live and learn in the kitchen – if you’re lucky.
10. It has taken me a full week to get this ONE post published. I should create a sign with a photo of an egg frying that says, “this is your brain on summer”. I seriously wonder if I’ll ever be able to get back into full-blown school mode with the way things are going around here.
Wish us luck as we embark on this week. Plans are in the works for new doctors, three dentist appointments, service projects, bible studies, dinner with friends, getting bills paid, enjoying the new CLEAN DESK I worked on all weekend upstairs, and my bratty teen boy getting his learner’s permit (pending he passes the written exam). Watch out, if you are out there on the roads in Texas!
I’m so sorry! What a stinky hard troublesome week! Praying for a fresh new week full of blessings, healing, clean desks, happy attitudes, no critters or illness, and lots of good coffee. (((hugs)))
To help with the 6 acres of may, your family may wish to rent out the land to someone with sheep. That way, you get rent, and you don’t have to mow!
It sounds like a busy crazy season of life. We are having trouble keeping up with one acre. I hope your tests results for your mouth come out normal and that your nana gets better.
Blessings, Dawn
Can you please add me to the email list? We are going through the ringer with ringworm. I need help. Kids and cats alike.