I got some really good advice at an Apologia Homeschool Conference a few years ago … and you’ll have to forgive me for paraphrasing it from memory, but it went something like this:
“If you don’t celebrate your life, who will? And if you don’t celebrate and have fun and ENJOY homeschooling… will your kids?”
Wow. Let that sink in a bit, homeschool mama. I know it gets difficult in those trenches, but how often are we lamenting our lot while the sun is shining and those little ones are watching us frown? I challenge you (and always myself, too – because I’m no different) to SMILE every day. Count those blessings. Start a few new joyful celabratory family traditions. Jump up and down. Break your diet and eat pie once in a while!
I’ve got a few moments I want to celebrate publicly. Over the past couple of weeks, I’ve had three major milestones reached with two of my kiddos.
One turned 18, just weeks after his little sister turned 16…
Oh, wait… he doesn’t look like that any more… but how do you tell a mama’s heart that?
Back off, teenage girls. He’s still mine for a while.
My sugar-bug. He’s always looking for his next sweet treat. His name means “companion” and “friend” and truly, he’s been a sweet spot in my life. Just adore this kid, and am trying to savor each day I have left with him before he flies away (literally – he wants to be a helicopter pilot).
Not only did he turn 18 this week, but he got his bonafied drivers’ license and now can operate a moving vehicle without a parental figure in the car. Watch out Texas. Please be careful with my boy.
On a more personal note, I have something to celebrate… THE TAXES ARE DONE!
Thankfully, we didn’t end up owing money even though we had to dip into 401K to pay off medical debt. I see nothing “Affordable” about it. But that’s another story for a non-celebratory post.

Also… I’m in Fort Worth! I left home (dad and grandma offered to watch the rest of my kids so I could get a little mom-time in this weekend) with nary a ticket or hotel plan… and God has worked it out for me to be here at the GHC Convention, working at a couple of my favorite booths, visiting with friends, and cooking leftover fried rice on a portable skillet in my hotel room. My gracious hosts are calling me their “conference stray”. I love it… and I love THEM – what a fun weekend we’ve had laughing together.
Me and my boots are headed over in a few minutes to sit at the Mystery of History Booth from 1-4PM if you happen to swing that direction. Look me up. Later you might see me digging through the Biblioplan materials. Stop by and say Hi!
I’m celebrating the day by taking time out for me. I enjoyed a silent hotel room all morning. What a nice little break this has been. Everyone needs to find a way to re-charge. This weekend has totally done that for me.
I can’t say I don’t miss my family, though… especially after my 18 year old texted me a photo of his latest champion baking accomplishment:
Yeah. Pioneer Woman Cinnamon Rolls. I had to refrain from drooling. Even a gluten free mama like me would make a celebratory exception for THAT!
Hope your day is GOOEY sweet.
Love ya. Enjoy your weekend.
Thanks sweetie!
I wish I was with ya! We would totally be roomies and I’d show you around Sundance Square!
I miss you, Marsha! I’d do the Sundance Square with you any time. 🙂
Parenting is such a precious journey, and it’s easy to lose sight of those magical moments. This post was a beautiful reminder.