I thought I would do random with you. It’s been a while since we’ve just sat down to chat at the computer – you with your cup of tea, me with my touch of crazy.
So what’s been going on with us since the last post in July?
Let’s see… a glance back over the messy dayplanner tells of:
:::board-game nights with Papa John::: We’ve been doing these once a month. My current favorites are Clue and Sequence.
:::lots and lots of photography classes for mama::: Homeschoolin’ myself. Practicin’ what I preach.
:::teens catching up on leftover assignments from last year::: I feel sorry for them… sortof. Mama’s advice for next year: do it WHEN it is assigned.
:::I got my CHL, y’all::: Mama’s packin’.
:::my photography business is legal – I filed a DBA!::: Sprittibee Photography (of course) – I decided there was no use fighting the branding that has happened over the past decade online. So if you happen to know of some seniors, families, or brides who need portraits, please send them my way.
:::evangelizing friends with my enchilada recipe::: It’s good. Real good. In fact, that’s what’s for dinner.
:::still doing reading lessons with my 6 year old::: He’s inches away from REALLY taking off with reading. I can feel it.
:::watching Magic Schoolbus on Netflix::: Koko loves space and science just like his older brother.
:::My mom having health problems::: Hate that. But there is a really cool app that we use for keeping track of her blood sugar levels called My Sugr. So glad she’s doing better.
:::watching Shaun the Sheep at the movie theaters::: SO CUTE. My hubby also took the kids to see Minions while I was out of town.
:::taking photos for THSC in The Woodlands, TX::: What a whirlwind… post on that will follow. Just got them their images this week.
:::editing LOTS and LOTS of pictures… still editing…::: Eyeball collapse.
:::driving my poor in-loves crazy by making them cart me in to The Woodlands at the crack of dawn for three days in a row at convention time… and having my car break down in their driveway:::
:::praying about planning my school year::: Last year for my big ones. Bittersweet…
:::lots of emails from co-op about school starting::: I’m not ready for this!
:::photographing a family friend’s wedding in Longview, TX last weekend at Miss Mary’s Place (lovely venue)::: Poor Tara is still waiting on her images since I got sick and had THSC to finish first…
:::watching my 6 yo lose 2 teeth::: Again, I’m not ready for this!
:::green tea frappuccinos with 1 pump of base, no syrup, and whip on top – my roadtripping drink of choice::: Mmmmm.
:::helping the 16 year old get her own bank account::: She’s official… and already spent her paycheck on Amazon.
:::talking about upgrading my computer so the photography business isn’t slower than Christmas::: Feel like using a hammer on this laptop every time it’s time to export, upload, or edit!
:::making dental appointments::: It’s that time of year again. I cringe at the thought of them scraping my teeth.
:::seeing old friends in H-Town::: You know who you are!
:::creating calendars for the school year::: So much to do, so little time! I saw a cute graphic this past week on Facebook that said, “I already want to take a nap tomorrow.” Yep – that’s what I think when I see all the dates on my calendar, just for August!
:::learning how to set up my homeschool grade and lesson info on the new online version of Homeschool Tracker::: (affiliate link) I’m not good with change, but I loved the desktop version, so I’m going to try the online… since everything seems to be moving that direction and I’d love to have my kids be able to log in as seniors and manage their own responsibilities. { still freaking out a little every time I think about them being seniors… not sure if it will even sink in until I see them standing on a stage at graduation… }
:::trying not to eat too many Paleo desserts because my daughter likes to bake a little too much::: Even healthy things should be consumed in moderation. ‘Nuff said.
:::visiting with my Dad and stepmom when they came to town::: Burgers with Poppy Bee.
:::nursing a summer cold and sounding like a chain smoker::: Cough. Cough. So ready to be well again.
What have you been up to? Squeezing the last little bit of summer joy out of these hot days? I hope so.
I’m looking forward to being able to spend more time with you in here soon. Summer has been BUSY!
I wonder if that is any indication of how busy this school year will be?!!?