VBS was fun a few weeks back and my boys loved the mountain they put on the stage and the story about Moses’ life. They came inside from playing out in the yard this week and held out the “TEN COMMANDMENTS” for me to inspect. They were so proud of themselves. They had made them without me prompting them at all. So, that means they WERE LISTENING. Let me tell you : MOST OF THE TIME they DO NOT LOOK LIKE IT.
They used a piece of charcoal from my garden (from last year’s burned up – er, barbecued – tree limbs) and two of my rocks from the path that were weathered and old looking. I thought they did a great job.
I even like the smirk my seven year old made when I asked him to pose for the picture.
Even in the crazy, hectic weeks where you’re so busy you don’t know if they are listening… they are.
Boys just wiggle.
They fidget. They make sound effects. They tap. They strum. They fart and burp and laugh so hard they spit their food out. They are gross and noisy. They smell bad sometimes. I have to beg them to bathe and brush their teeth. But, y’all… they are NOT DEFICIT in anything that God didn’t want them to be deficit in. He made them this way just like they are. They don’t need medication. They need SUNSHINE AND PLAY.
Play is such an important part of a child’s life. You can do a web search for how important play is for children and come up with a zillion articles to read. I love to hear them dialogue about the things they are learning in life.
I’m always trying to find ways to get them engaged with each other, with toys, with books, with nature, with friends, or anything interesting other than screens. It’s a life-long mama battle up a steep societal hill… but I’m going to keep trying! They are worth it.