I use the hashtag #JesusandJuice a lot on Instagram. I’m big on both: Jesus and Juice. I have to say before I go much farther, though, that I’m just a girl who believed big. I did my own research and decided that kicking cancer’s butt without chemo was the route I was going to take. I do my part by drinking my juice and I rely on God to do His part (which is ultimately way more important than mine). I utilize the brain He gave me and the organic veggies and plants He created and all the smart people He put on this earth that have studied a lot more about these mysteries than I have… and I take each day as one tiny step forward in my anti-cancer life.
Just letting you know that the Jesus is the first part of the equation in my healing protocol, not the second or any subsequent number. Before you look to me, please look to HIM… and then look to all these other knowledgeable people that have gone before me. I mention many of them below in my post.
My recipe for kicking cancer’s butt in a nutshell is simple:
- Find out what other people have done that kicked cancer’s butt and are still alive (survivors who are thriving and cancer free decades later)
- Pray, and do what the survivors did to the best of my ability
- De-stress, deep breaths, margin in my day for myself
- GOOD NUTRITION, supplements and holistic treatments
- Sun and exercise
- HUGS and laughter, forgiveness and emotional health, “letting GO and letting GOD”
- Improved sleep
- Avoiding processed foods and sugar, moderate meat and dairy, clean diet / as organic as possible
Number one requires faith… but only as much faith as there is in a mustard seed. Do I have doubts some days about lots of things? Sure. But I heard someone say…
Because I’m still alive 2 years after being diagnosed with pretty serious stage 3 colon cancer, and refusing chemo, I get a lot of questions. I get requests to help people who are finding out they have cancer. I get asked for links, book suggestions, supplement brands, and all sorts of information. No one wants to get told they have cancer… but I want to say that the worst thing you can do is just give up hope and check your brain at the door.
The VERY FIRST thing someone needs when they are diagnosed is HOPE for the future; because they do have one… and it does NOT have to be short.
You are not a statistic, you are a beautiful, wonderfully made child of the Living God… the GREAT Physician.
You’re made to heal. You’re made for miracles by a miracle-worker. He’s WAY BIGGER THAN CANCER (he’s famous for parting seas and raising dead people). You + Him = a majority! Go, fight, WIN. You don’t have to lay down and give up with the God of the universe on your side.
I have compiled a few cancer posts that I wrote here… and I have linked a few places where I think you need to START researching. By all means, branch out from here and do your own reading and researching. AFTER YOU HEAL AND REST AND HUG AND PRAY – take your time and don’t rush into anything. You didn’t get sick in one day, and you won’t get well in one day, either. You need to have time to find your way on this journey, so don’t let anyone – including a doctor – rush you.
Here are a few links from my cancer journey:
1. My diagnosis
2. My first diet changes
3. My health archives here at the blog – always adding posts and recipes to this… (if you want to follow along, consider signing up for my email list and getting my posts in your email box)
Here are a few links for where to start …if you or a friend have gotten a diagnosis and you want to 1. GET HOPE (THAT SHOULD BE FIRST), and then 2. GET INFORMATION ON WHAT YOU CAN DO TO FIGHT BACK. I’ve included a brief description of the links so you know where you are headed. They will open up in a new tab in your browser and you’ll be able to click back here to keep reading once you are done if you want.
1. Chris Beat Cancer Survivor Videos
Scroll through this site to find your type of cancer and look at what people did to fight it. These are stories of people who were 5, 10, 15, 20 and even more years out from their diagnosis and still healthy. I like how Chris breaks down what they did and asks all the questions that you might in his personable interviews. I particularly liked the ones that pertained to colon cancer like the 78 year old grandpa who quit chemo and decided to heal his cancer with supplements from the health food store, and the mom of four who had stage four colon cancer in her liver and is doing so well nearly a decade after her healing that she’s helping raise funds for a groundbreaking new study that may lead to new types of cancer treatment in the US (that they already use in Germany).
I also love his videos on stage four breast cancer survivors (who had little or no medical hope or “prognosis” with their late stage cancers and managed to wow the doctors with their “miracle” healings)… check out PAULA or APRIL for more on how they beat the system (one of them way back in 1997 before the internet was even useful).
I’ve learned so much from Chris’ site and he has a paid program you can do to learn more from him about what HE DID to help himself beat cancer. Chris had stage 3C colon cancer in his 20’s and is now over a decade out past his diagnosis and healthy. I had stage 3B, just one lymph node short of Chris’ diagnosis, and am doing quite a few of the same things he did in his journey to heal. Number one: faith, number two: carrot juice. #Jesusandjuice, baby.
2. For those of you wanting tips on supplement brands, tea blends, cancer book recommendations, vitamin brands, and you want to know what I used or still use… check out these things on my Amazon boards that I’ve put together (I’ve even typed in some of the benefits that I researched online and why I take them in the notes sections if you click on that). Remember I’M NOT A DOCTOR (and I must say that because of the law)… but even doctors can be wrong about things. Just think how they used to heal people with blood leeching back in the day… and how things change over the years as we learn new things. One of these days the medical practices will catch up with what we know about nutrition and how important it is to have a clean, toxin-free, GMO free environment like our ancestors did back when cancer was obscure and rare. They’ll look back and see those who chose a different path as the ones who went with their gut, chose quality of life, trusted God for the result, and maybe even the ones who sparked a new movement to push nutrition awareness to the forefront and make life for EVERYONE better – not just those who get chronic illnesses.
Think of what we could prevent if we just ate our veggies and didn’t spray them with pesticide first!
After you get your hope and a little bit of information that can help you slow down and make your mind up to find your own way, my next step I tell everyone to take is to get a juicer.
Which one? My answer is simple… same as the one I give to people who want to know which camera to buy: The one you will USE.
Start with anything you can get your hands on and as much organic produce as you can come by. That’s what I did. A friend gave me a juicer and I used it. It wasn’t the top of the line, but it worked. I used it until I had time to research other brands. I now use a Champion, but I have heard there are many that are just as good. The point is to find one you’ll use and use it.
Lots of people want to know what I juice. I mostly juice carrots, because a lot of survivors on Chris’ video archives did the same (including him), but I always throw in other things when I have them. My recipe changes all the time. Lately, this is what I’m liking… but that may change based on what I have in the fridge and my tastes. I’m really in to pomegranate lately. I also have been using green and herbal teas in my juices sometimes lately… which I didn’t used to do. It’s ok to shake things up a little and try new stuff. Research and try new stuff.
For those of you who like recipes, my latest and greatest carrot concoction is below… and it may freak out you beginners, so please…. start small. Juice some carrots, celery, beet, apple, ginger and turmeric at first. Keep it simple. Stick to that. Then as you grow your knowledge and ninja juicing skills, begin to try new things.
No one understands how overwhelming it is to start down a new path with your health that will change your life for the better until they have been diagnosed or had someone they love get a diagnosis… so be patient with others and take baby steps each day to do one new thing that will make your life healthier. Start with giving up sugar and fast food. Then start making a list of people you need to forgive… you can go down my list above and do a little research on each thing and find out what you can do to improve that area of your life.
Chris Beat Cancer is a great resource. He wrote a book that is coming out in September that you can pre-order (if you click this book cover, it will take you to his book via my Amazon recommendation so it is an affiliate link). Ty Bollinger is another good author to check out. He wrote “The Truth About Cancer” and “Cancer Step Outside the Box”. Both are phenomenal tools. All are listed in my amazon boards. They both do videos and webinars and all sorts of things online. If you have a question about different foods, supplements, or even cancer-type specific questions like “What can you do to beat stage 4 breast cancer?” – you are only a keyword search away on the INTERNET from an answer. YES – there are lots of stage 4 survivors who have astounded their doctors. Nothing is impossible with Jesus. Usually, when I look up information for people, I enter their cancer type (colon, prostate, breast, etc.) and then I type “survivor” and “Chris Beat Cancer” and you’ll be surprised how many times I get a video to watch right then and there with someone telling their story about how they beat this awful disease!
There are other helpful places to search online also. Dr. Axe and Mercola have great general nutrition and health tips. I share videos every week on my Facebook page if you want to request to be my friend. I do this on my personal page mostly, and on my twitter. Follow me on both! The more the merrier. I’d love to see a wave of healthy, healed, happy, faith-filled people out there who are well again without the use of harmful drugs or poisons or radiation that may have lasting effects on other healthy body parts later on.
Wouldn’t it be great if everyone learned how to heal themselves with God’s help naturally so we could all start eating better, stop putting toxins in our environment, and start to have healthier, happier lives? I bet the cancer rates would plumet and we would start making choices at the grocery store which put bad PHARM AG out of business and elevated organic food until it didn’t need a label… it could be just FOOD AGAIN. Like God intended.
One can hope for miracles!
I want to be a voice for Jesus and Juice… and although I don’t have time in my day to help every single person who emails, texts, tweets, Facebooks, or calls me for help… I do have time to share with them what I did. I want all of you to have the same success (and prayerfully, I keep working my part to eat well, sleep well, forgive and love, and do everything I can to stay healthy after God redeemed me from stage 3 cancer).
What if you fail? People ask.
It hurts my heart to see people make fun of others who do what they can to get well and end up having a relapse many years later. Everyone in the world has cancer in their body – but healthy immune systems are able to seek out and destroy mutated cells. Even those who have chemo can relapse. Doctors die, too. Some of them even die of cancer. Anyone can get a life-threatening illness…. even healthy young people. No one is immune. Every single person who heals naturally of cancer will eventually die… and some people will no doubt make fun of them for their health choices because it makes them feel better about their own. I see this all the time on the internet… doctors making fun of people who die of cancer when they refused chemo to make themselves seem smarter and better.
Each person has to do their own research. Talk to people who have been there. Read a lot. Watch videos. Meet people who are still here long after a cancer scare…and talk to them.
After I did this, I chose to make a lifestyle change and prioritize my immune system. I won’t live forever, but I am aiming to have as many healthy days here as I can. Only God knows how many I get… and if there are days for me to have, He will give them to me. He knew me before I was born, knows the number of hairs on my head… and He’s still in control.
If you choose to get chemo, you need to be aware that there is no guarantee that either path will heal you. We are all terminal. The choice is to go your own way or go the doctor’s way – but God can bless either path, certainly. Do your research and come to your own conclusion based on what side effects you can live with… and be aware that you may or may not have longevity from the choice… and we all die someday. Health and healing are all in God’s hands, ultimately.
An oncologist will tell you that doing nothing will get you a certain result as opposed to chemo. Well, yeah. Western diets, pharmaceutical-addicted people, and those who are stuck at desks and not moving their bodies and not making healthy choices are all lumped in to those stats. They have no stats for people who are making lifestyle changes, diet changes, supplement changes, and other holistic things. They have no stats for prayer. So I’m here to say there’s a third choice that the oncologist won’t give you: 1. do nothing 2. take chemo… or 3. do everything you know how to do naturally to FIGHT while doing NO HARM to your body AND pray! As for me and my house, I’m going with number 3, and I know God is on the path with me, whatever the outcome.

Without further ado… here’s my crazy carrot Juice…
Heather’s Kick-Cancer’s Butt Juice Recipe
Note: Start by washing these items and cutting them into pieces that fit into the juicer, don’t bother to remove seeds, I only cut off bad spots and scrub
* 2 LBS Organic Carrots – the more organic the better, any color works – I love the purple and red ones best, but mostly I juice orange
* Greens of any kind, cabbage of any kind… how ever much you need to get rid of before it goes bad (great way to use up boxed salad before the due date if you don’t want to make it into a meal)
* Herbs (I like to throw in a dandelion from the yard when in season – only if you never spray your yard with chemicals, or dill, or parsley, or cilantro… – all optional, but excellent cancer fighters and detox of heavy metals and toxins)
*1/2 to 1 small organic beet (optional) – with greens if you want
* 1 small zucchini (optional)
* 1 cucumber (optional)
* 1/2 to 1 full apple
Put in last because they clog the juicer…
* 1 stem of turmeric root
* 1 stem of ginger
* 1-2 long stems of organic celery
* Juice from the champion when you are done juicing (and as much of the foam as you can muster)
* 1/2 to 1 pomegranate – and this makes the juice sooooo good!
* 1/2 lemon (with the pith and seeds and skin – just peel the sticker off and wash, then chop in half and toss it in)
* coconut water (the fresher the better), regular filtered water, green or herbal tea or sparkling water if you like that (about 1-2 cups for blending)
* 2-3 apricot seeds for B17
* 2-3 walnuts
* 1/2 to 1 TBSP of hemp seeds and/or chia
* 1/2 tsp bee pollen
* 1/2 tsp royal jelly (from bees also)
* 1/2 tsp collostrum (bovine)
* 1/2 tsp acai powder (or frozen acai berries)
* 1/2 tsp barley grass powder
* sometimes I open up and throw in some capsuled supplements just to keep myself from having to swallow the cases (optional)
* frozen berries (right now I’m using Mulberries from my tree – a super food, but you can use any berry you like – red raspberries are great for cancer fighting)
* some ice to pulverize the berry seeds and extract the nutrient content and help blend everything finely
Blend until smoothie texture and there’s no grit – or until it’s the way you like it
I put the juice in four mason jars and drink 1-2 glasses a day depending on how much I can afford to drink each week and how much produce I have on hand. I try not to let one single day go by that I’m not loading myself with all these nutrients and vitamins from food. This means that a large percentage of my vitamins and nutrition I am getting RAW. The more of that you can do, the better. People with gastric issues do very well on smoothies even if they have issues with salads and large raw veggie consumption. Blending nuts and seeds can help those with gut issues also. Some seeds are almost impossible to get nutrients from without chewing up to 100 times (ain’t nobody got time for that).
NOTE: juice enzymes die rapidly. It is always best to drink juice when you first make it. However, with my busy life and because my tumor-marker numbers are low on blood tests so far, I choose to juice enough for 2-3 days and then do it all again when I run out. I know that I get half the enzymes with each 24 hour period that goes by while my jars sit in the fridge. They say wheat grass juice looses it’s nutritional strength in 8 minutes! Just so you know… if you have active cancer, I would make smaller batches, and I would juice daily and drink more than 3 glasses a day. I think Chris said he drank 8 glasses – or over 5lbs of carrots a day for months after his diagnosis (up to 9 months or so). He said he TURNED ORANGE from it. He calls it “nutritional loading”.
If you just can’t imagine taking the time to make all this, you can get a similar one if you stop by Juice Spot in Cedar Park, TX near the 1890 Ranch Theater. They have my recipe down as “The Heather” on their crazy juice people off-menu juice recipe book. You can buy one for around ten bucks and not have to clean up the juicer mess at home. That gets expensive, though! I think the one there has a little cayenne and aloe vera juice in it, but it doesn’t have hardly any of my additives in this recipe. I like to mix it up sometimes.
You can also just order a carrot juice blend at any juice bar. Be aware though, that organic carrots contain DOUBLE the cancer-fighting enzymes that conventionally grown ones have. It’s #science : here’s the study you can read for yourself if you are geeky like that.
Everyone can benefit from juicing. This past week I made a green juice with all sorts of greens, zucchini, celery, cucumber, broccoli, a green herbal powder, Essiac tea, pear, and all my add-ins at the end. It was fantastic. I don’t know why I’ve never juiced broccoli before, but I’m not afraid to do it now. My gut handled it better than eating broccoli raw. I love juicing and prefer it to eating a gob-ton of salad, anyway. Not that I won’t eat a salad, mind you – I do like salad. I just wouldn’t ever live without juicing again… not after all the research I’ve done. I can tell when I don’t do it. I know how good it is for me. I wish I had known all my life about it, and I bet I never would have gotten sick in the first place if I had done this in my 20’s.
Here’s to your health… and to HOPE… and to NOT BEING AFRAID any more. No more fear-based medical decisions. Just love-based, faith-based, hope for healing with God’s help. #JesusandJuice!
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Thanks so much for reading my blog! I pray you will have a bounty of health and faith in the One who brings healing to body and soul.