Philly 3-Step Double Layer Pumpkin Cheese Cake
by Philadelphia Cream Cheese “Make Every Day Special” Recipe Book No.97
Vol. 5 ~ Oct. 15, 1996
Prep Time: 10 min.
Bake Time: 40 min.Ingredients:
2 pkgs (8 oz. each) Philadelphia Cream Cheese, softened
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 tsp. vanilla
2 eggs
1/2 cup canned pumpkin
1/2 tsp. ground cinnamon
Dash each of ground cloves and nutmeg
1 Keebler Ready Graham Cracker Pie Crust (6 or 9 in) ~ Kev prefers 9
1. Mix cream cheese, sugar, and vanilla with electric mixer on medium until well blended. Add eggs; mix until blended. In separate bowl, mix pumpkin and spices. Stir ONE CUP of the cream cheese batter into the pumpkin batter and blend well.
2. Pour remaining cream cheese batter into crust and flatten across pie to edges. Top with pumpkin batter forming two distinct layers in pie crust.
3. Bake at 350 degrees f. for 40 minutes or until center is almost set. Cool. Refrigerate 3 hours or overnight. Garnish with whip cream/cool whip and a sprinkle of spice when serving (optional).
Technorati Tags: Food, pie, pumpkin, recipes, Thanksgiving dinner, holidays, fall, cheesecake, delicious, dessert, Eat, potluck, Thanksgiving, America, autumn
I’ve heard of pumpkin pie but not pumpkin pie cheesecake! This sounds so creative and yummy. Mmmm. We don’t celebrate thanksgiving here and pumpkin is used more as a veegetable than a dessert but the recipe is interesting nonetheless!